Daniel Uhlfelder Profile picture
Husband, Dad & Florida Attorney for Justice. @Stanford & @UFLaw graduate. 2022 Florida Attorney General candidate.

Oct 15, 2022, 21 tweets

Late night Martha's Vineyard document dump from State of Florida including pictures, texts from Larry Keefe (DeSantis immigration czar), maps other items.

Of course the vendor is Vertol Systems, Mr. Keefe's former client.

These appear to be photos from San Antonio, Texas when the folks seeking asylum were boarding. They landed in Martha's Vineyard later that day.

And has been paid $1.565 million so far for 2 flights with 48 Venezuelans seeking asylum and one empty plane.

Based on these texts seems as though Larry Keefe was actually on one of the flights.

He’s been quite busy. He also was one who told Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren he was suspended and helped escort him out of his office. Not sure how this fits in public safety czar position.

“Keefe’s presence on the ground in Texas could open him to potential criminal liability. The Democratic sheriff of Bexar County, which includes San Antonio, has launched a criminal investigation into whether Vertol recruiters broke laws against “unlawful restraint” by deceiving

the migrants and then moving them around the country.”amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/imm…

Texts between Keefe and DeSantis Chief of Staff Uthmeier repeatedly reference talking by phone likely to avoid have any written record subject to disclosure under Florida sunshine law.

Keefe repeatedly begs for phone calls with Uthmeier on weekend and days leading up to flights asking to have his former client and vendor Vertol on phone.

They are both lawyers.

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