God's Wildcard🩸Pureblood - Question The Narrative Profile picture
Died 7x. Paralysed waist down healed Survived Superbug. ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕟𝕚𝕒𝕔 #ConspiracyInsomniac #truthtoolbox - Truth Wins Job 32 v 21

Oct 15, 2022, 6 tweets

Vile NZ government corporation racks up our country's debt and buggers our prosperity

Over 142 BILLION

Over 70 THOUSAND per household
Double their early prediction
Half way to mine at 135k per household

Calculator below 👇

Ask the government why and you'll get elusiveness, ignored, LIES

They seem to IMAGINE they have some sort of "higher calling"

They've forgotten what they are...

@jacindaardern imagines Savage gives her some sort of sanctimonious "mandate" ?
Or is it the WEF @chrishipkins

But here is the actual debt they've killed our country's prosperity by...

Over 142 BILLION.... you all happy about that "voters"?

Are they fit to be governing? #nzpol (rhetorical question)


Czarina Cindy promised she never taked part in any "dirty politics"

Yeah Right pigs fly on fart juice

@Megan_Woods claimed they woukd be the "most transparent government ever"
... the biggest joke ever

"We are the single source of truth" 👇

Yeah yeah, I'm Question The Narrative.... get over it @marcdaalder

Gave the crazy lefties fuel to label me when they went onto frenzy

seeing my original Twitter handle "Qnarrative"
Which was around LONG BEFORE the qanon physop

The single source of LIES 👇 is crumbling

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