Fellafucius Profile picture
Used Twitter to follow politics, then WW3 heated up. Я говорю по-русски, но не очень хорошо.

Oct 16, 2022, 25 tweets

1/23 Thread on the new Russian PsyOp against @Kama_Kamilia. I've already seen it as a response to every #Fella, and the big Z channels are spreading it.

I think this is a huge opportunity for #NAFO to take over the narrative

Jump to 17 for my practical suggestion

2/This is inspired by @ivanastradner's thread which you should read. I'll be sprinkling in memes to replenish weary travelers, including Kama-related memes that use the strategy I'm discussing.

Btw I haven't fact checked the PsyOp, but Kama seems to be handling it gracefully.

3/ As an aside, I'd like to meet Kama someday. I used to be what I would call "passively and politely racist", and it was because of friends talking to me, @eji_org , and world events I changed.

People should change. Russian PsyOps count on people not changing

4/ For credentials, I'm in the military. I'm not PsyOps, but I have/will work very closely with them, and my particular job involves a lot of managing public perception.

5/ The first thing to remember is the FSB does not care about who Kama is. They don't care about Hitler. They don't care about antisemitism. They don't care about the people of Donbass.

You could defend Kama perfectly, but it would not matter, because it isn't the point.

6/ They care about their job and #NAFO @saintjavelin have been incredibly effective at derailing their tactics.

So what are their tactics? If you have time, check @VladVexler 's YouTube or podcasts. He does an incredible job of tying Putin's entire strategy together

7/ Their tactics are:

1. Narrative overload
2. Derailment
3. Passivity

8/ Narrative overload - they provide innumerable, contradictory narratives.

The goal isn't to convince anyone of anything: it's to get people to say "There isn't any truth, everyone lies, we can't know".

It comes up a lot in 1420 interviews


9/ N.B. -"All governments are corrupt" is the opposite of "all governments are equally corrupt".

The former puts emphasis on citizens to continuously criticize and refine their government; the latter excuses passivity.

10/ Derailment - They don't care about Jews, Donbass, Nazis, biolabs, NATOA, CIA etc

but they know you do. They use your morals against you.

If Kama is a Nazi (he isn't), that matters to everyone else, so they push the message to shift focus so they can operate freely.

11/ The only end goal of the Putin Regime's operations is consolidation of power and resources for Putin and those that prop him up. Again, I really can't recommend @VladVexler's explanations of Putin's narrative control enough.

12/ Passivity - the end goal of Kremlin propaganda is a passive Russian populace and passive West.

They don't need supporters. They don't even want True Believers, because they won't change when Putin decides he needs a new excuse. They want you to do nothing.

13/ And their goal with the Kama strategy is to get #NAFOfellas to be passive.

#Fellas aren't bots; we have souls and lives and dignity. I have shame and don't want to be seen defending Holocaust-deniers.

That's a good thing.

But they count on that moral compass to derail us.

14/ It doesn't have to.

It's intellectually lazy to say "There are problematic people in the world, so I'm not going to do anything".

That's true whether you're talking about Russian PsyOps, racism, justice, war, whatever. You'll never do anything worthwhile in life if

15/ you're derailed every time it comes out that people are morally difficult. When it comes to internal group dynamics, focus on refinement and redemption, and expel members that refuse to admit fault. We all have them, so we all deal with them.

If the leadership won't uphold

16/ standards, that's when you need to ask if it's worth cutting ties with the group.

17/ в конце концов, my advice for responding to "KAMA IS A NAZI":

1. Frame
2. Redirect
3. Anything is better than nothing

18/ Frame - no offense to Kama, but who is Kama? Personally, I thought @goblin__soup and @NAFOofficial were the closest things we had to leaders.

If you read vatnik articles, you'd think Kama lives in the White House and the Presidential Office Building in Kyiv at the same time.

19/ Personally, I don't think "I stand with Kama" is effective. The Vatniks just grab that as proof that we all support Nazis.

They don't believe it, but it's a distraction they can push to sway moderates and sow passivity.

20/ I didn't know who Kama was for months after joining. If I Google "Kama Kamilia", there's a 44 year old Azerbaijani singer.

If they want to harp on Kama, keep making them explain why anyone should care. It gets ridiculous and derails them.

21/ Redirect - "You're upset one person on Twitter denied the Holocaust but you're ok with Putin's genocide going on literally right now?"

Obviously show (with memes), don't tell, but when you put it in perspective, their distraction is completely insane

22/ Anything is Better than Nothing - the Fellas and Kremlin propaganda work largely by volume. The difference is that we push people towards truth, and they push people nowhere.

I often invite True Believers to share evidence for their

23 pro-Putin claims because I know I'm not flawless and I believe truth is knowable. It also makes me better at rebutting stupid claims.

But regardless of how you feel about Kama, don't get distracted from defending Ukrainians and standing up to Russian propaganda.

This PsyOp campaign will end soon and they'll move on to another narrative. If the only thing you can do is disrupt Russian messaging, that is infinitely more effective than giving in to passivity and doing nothing.

Just wanted to add after feedback, I definitely support Kama and think he's handled this very maturely. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear from the thread.

When I referred to "I stand with Kama", I meant specifically within the context of a vatnik trying to derail focus from Putin.

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