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May 20th 2023
Sometimes I post a load of what might look/sound like gibberish to most; perhaps it really is.🤷

Other times, I have a choice selection of wisdom to impart.🤪❓

No, I can't tell them apart either, that is better done by other, more sober minds not yet extant.
For tonight, I have chosen to concoct a short telling, relating to a story about a vicious mongrel motherfucker with absolutely zero regrets about chosing to be a completely, rampantly aggressive dick shoving itself right into any available orifice, or creating them by-need.
If you hadn't guessed so by now.. It's me I'm talking about.. I'm the motherfucker, the mongrel, but only because I hold back with more strength than I care to admit to having in the first place. I don't like to admit it, as I'd prefer to not to be that, but I loathe deceiving.
Read 25 tweets
May 11th 2023
Why I Joined #NAFO and became a #Fella


Thread: 1/8 Image
So, first, what is #NAFOfellas? The Fellas are an online army of brain damaged cartoon dogs (sic). Their mission? Fighting russian disinformation. It's a grass roots movement founded by @Kama_Kamilia during the early months of the war. NAFO has been growing eversince. 2/8 Image
So why did I join #NAFO?

I'm a disabled person confined to my bedroom so, in real life, there's no much I can do. As you can imagine, this is quite depressing. Joining @Official_NAFO has changed that profoundly. 3/8 Image
Read 9 tweets
May 3rd 2023
#NAFO twitter-algorithm informational 2.0: A deeper, geekier dive. Simplified for brain-damaged cartoon dogs.
Main points are still:
1) Replies do not boost a #Fella's tweet directly.
2) Likes, replies, and retweets are *all* essential for broad reach.
3) #RussiaIsANaziState
⬇️ Image
⬇️ 1st, let's make it clear:
The famous boost values are NOT applied to a tweet and don't stack. "Experts" who claim this are mistaking value boundaries for stacking limits and don't understand the algorithm itself.
The boosts are applied to *predictions* of *your* interaction
⬇️️I've made this very simplified overview of the algorithm. let's dive in.

Candidate generation is the 1st, crucial step. Currently it's a 50/50 division of tweets from your in-network (people you follow) and out-network (anything people you follow touches).
⬇️ Image
Read 17 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
Il sondaggio è finito.

Più del 60% degli utenti che hanno risposto non sa cos'è un #NAFOfella o non sa come diventare un #fella.

Se sei dalla parte dell'#Ucraina e non sopporti la violenza russa, allora, in realtà, sei già un fella! 👀

Non ti resta che farlo sapere >> Image
al mondo ottenendo un avatar simile al mio (Shiba Inu) o a tanti altri che hai già sicuramente visto su Twitter in questo periodo.

Preferisci i gatti? Non c'è problema... esiste anche la #NAFO Cat Division 🤣

Come ottenere un fella personalizzato?

È molto semplice. >>
Tutte le informazioni sono riportate al seguente link ufficiale:

Cliccando su "How to become a fella" puoi leggere le istruzioni su come diventare, appunto, un fella.

In breve è sufficiente fare un acquisto o una donazione di qualsiasi importo >>
Read 7 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
(Corrected Thread)
A #NAFO #Harassabots Primer 🧵⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
What are they? How do they work?
Generally, #NAFO #Harassabots encourage the use of "bonking", or targeted mass reporting of accounts
And generally speaking, when #Harassabots see a tweet they don't like, they use the hashtag #NAFOArticle5 to send it to a bot, which then spreads the word
Read 32 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
Als NAFO-Bot, der ich nun mal bin, war ich heute in Berlin und habe mir das Kunstwerk von @ennolenze angesehen. Kurzer 🧵zu meinen Eindrücken.
Ein großes Highlight neben der Installation selbst ist natürlich der mannsgroße #Fella. Ansonsten ist der Panzer naturgemäß schrottig.
Regelmäßig bringen ruzzlandnahe Menschen Blumen auf den Panzer um die Aktion zu konterkarieren. Diese Blumen werden dann von Leuten, deren Hirn noch nicht im Vodka ersoffen ist, vom Panzer geworfen, wo man dann drauf treten kann.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
An meine #Berliner Follower,
wer Zeit hat, helft bitte Enno, soweit Euch das irgendwie möglich ist. Wie heute Morgen schon mitgeteilt, bin ich leider nicht da. Das Panzer Projekt vor der 🇷🇺 Botschaft ist ein großartiger Erfolg. Das lassen wir uns von Vatniks nicht kaputt machen.
Wer auch immer es schafft da hin zu gehen, macht bitte Fotos & Videos. Wir können gemeinsam einen thread 🧵 machen. Ich werde gerne beim verbreiten helfen. Las uns als Community zeigen, wer hier der stärkere ist, und wo wir stehen. Unterstützt bitte @ennolenze #SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦❤️
Read 6 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
We say "information war", I'd argue, because it's about information theory at its core, and it's not about raw data nor the manufacture of facts.
It's unbelievably contentious to provide a complete account of how people read, but at least for disinfo, you could think of it like this:

A fact is an objectively existent thing/event.

A reading is what we make out of that.

The narrative is the story we tell around it.
People just, like, making stuff up is pretty easy to handle, we know what to call that.

So, like, George Santos.

As in, literally anything George Santos says about himself.

That's pretty clearly intentionally making stuff up, or disinformation.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
#NAFO #Fella Security thread 🧵

We’ve all seen the tweets lately where #Fellas were targeted by phishing links and other malicious links so here is some tips on how to bump up your online security using free and subscription software for both your phone and your laptop/pc.
See what a hacker or phisher can do when you click a simple malicious link sent in a DM for example; as happened many #Fellas recently.
First understand the security on your phone or laptop/pc already and configure your web browser's in-built security to best protect you. The below video will help you choose your security settings for Microsoft Edge on Windows.
Read 22 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
In lead-up to upcoming Twitter Space at 6pm EST about 🇺🇦fundraiser we are about to launch, I thought I’d take a few minutes to tell you about me, being an artist on Twitter for more than a decade, & how the war in 🇺🇦 has shaped me since 24/2/22. 1/
2/ I came to Twitter to discover ppl curious about #GraphicNovels, #BobDylan, #artistbooks as my work on my collaborative (w my daughter) GN “Long Time Gone” following its exhibition at @massmoca in 2008. I connected with my heroes like @1michaelgray1. It was great.
3/ later, I began work on an 8 year project to make a new edition of #Dante’s #DivineComedy. I hand-lettered entire poem in Italian (from 3 different MS sources) & illustrated every page. Published in 3 languages (IT/English/German) in 2021.…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Tomorrow is Putin's visit to Belarus. Speculation is that Putin wants Lukashenko to turn over the reins and fold Belarus into Russia proper and thereby give Putin control of the Belarussian Army to aid in a planned spring offensive. So far Luka has rather adroitly avoided ealier
attempts to write himself off the center stage, can he do it this time? What changes if he can't? Russia is already using Belarus to train troops, launch missiles and of course the failed drive on Kyiv was staged from there. Additionally, the Belarussian Army has been giving
Russia its stocks of artillery ammo and reserve tanks (and presumably other AFV's). I'm not at all convinced that the Belarussian's would fight even if Luka joined the war or Belarus ceased to exists as an "independent" state. Those troops watched the Russian Army come fleeing
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Dec 17th 2022
Yesterday I talked about Genera Zaluzhnyi and it turns out today I need to talk about another general. I had no idea but today is the birthday of General Vatutin. In my opinion he was the best commander the Soviet's had during WWII. Far better than Zhukov and was the only early
commander they had who could fight the Germans to a standstill on their terms and even counter-attack. Sadly Stalin promoted him to lead the 1st Ukrainian front where he seized Kyiv from the Germans. Unfortunately for him, he was not seen as a liberator but as just another
invader and in Feb of 1944 the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) killed him. The UPA was born in the 1920's and fought for Ukrainian indepedence from Poles, Russians and Germans. The Soviets did not finally extinguish it until the 1950's but some veterans survived and live among us
Read 17 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
As the HMS Bonky weighs anchor and sets sail towards Sevastopol, something is occurring in an undisclosed safe house...#NAFOfleet #NAFOdrone #RaccoonsRevenge

@U24_gov_ua @Official_NAFO
Fellas, are you ready to test yourself? The Major is putting together a paw-picked squad for a mission we can't disclose. #OPSEC Image
Fellas, are you ready to train for action? Image
Read 50 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
Let's talk casualty care. The UMOD has Russian deaths at 90K and if they are still tracking along with Russia's own MOD admissions that got leaked several months ago then this number is at least in the ball park or reality. It certainly squares with the images we see coming from
Bakhmut. Those types of trench based positional fights chew up men. The provision of the M30A1 MLRS rocket certainly won't help Russia stop the bleeding... On the other side there is the (corrected) claim that Ukraine has suffered 100K casualties: dead, wounded, missing, and KIA.
With later speculation that the real numbers are 10K dead and 40K seriously wounded. Now none of those numbers are real but they do offer insights. 90K Russian deaths begs a serious question: how many wounded. The traditional ratio of dead to wounded was 1:3. I think that might
Read 20 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Good morning everyone. Today is Giving Tuesday! I jumped the gun a little bit last night (it was already Tuesday in Kyiv) to take advantage of Cyber Monday (in Arkansas) to send an IFAK to @UkraineAidOps. I am asking my readers to give something today to some organization that is
helping Ukraine resist the #GenocideOfUkrainians. @MriyaAid, @U24_gov_ua, @3xR_team, @Teoyaomiquu, @georgian_legion, @belwarriors of whatever outlet you use to support Ukraine. Especially as it looks like Russia was gearing up for another massive missile strike. Russian sends
hate, we can send love and defiance. At this point just about every trooper in the Ukrainian Army has something from the West. From government supplied aid to little "care packages" from people like us that could be a chest carrier, IFAK or radio. The Ukrainian people know there
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Nov 28th 2022
Short one today, gotta go to work early, I think I am gonna get told to go down the street and pee in a cup lol. DOT reqs require randoms to keep the motoring public safe from intoxicated truck drivers. No worries, I am working towards my 18th year clean. These are the easiest
in the world to pass. No studying, no prep work well at least until they ban caffeine then I am screwed. Speaking of tests, the Russian Army continues to fail the hardest test in the world: combat. Just saw a meme from a well known troll page claiming Ukraine is only defending
so hard to protect a child trafficking ring. The poster was so close to right but as a Russian failed 180 from the truth. Ukraine is defending Bakhmut so hard to prevent a child trafficking ring. Every inch of Ukraine the Russian's occupy is followed by filtration, torture, rape,
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Nov 27th 2022
I've noticed that my observation comparing #Bakhmut to #Verdun and #Passchendaele are now pretty much the accepted comparisons, and they should be. What a nightmare battlefield. There are however some things that make it a very much 21st century war vs just WWI redux. First the
suffering is in some ways worse. The troops from late 1915-18 had become masters of trench warfare. Trenches were deep with duckboards to keep heads below the bullet line and feet above the mud. Dug outs were artillery resistant and could only be hit by happenstance and could
not be individually targeted. The night while full of terrors at least allowed movement behind the trenches and for raiding parties across no man's land. Well crewed and directed artillery in WWI could hit a fairly well-defined area but it had to be an area. It was not going to
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Nov 27th 2022
There are a lot of different roles one can do as a #FELLA and part of #NAFO. Some people make wicked memes, forge FELLA's, troll Russian diplomats, host spaces... Me I am just an essayist. I give as I can but my gift is writing so that is what I can offer up every day. Many give
more and giving is the mission they self selected when joining NAFO. A few however take on the riskier jobs... fund raising. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Like I said earlier, I trust @copesint and @WBearpJr and that is good enough for me. If @Pogggio1 is innocent and
herself a victim it will come out in the wash. I don't think all the money she raised was embezzled, something went pear shaped somewhere. Intent matters, but not as much as people think. It is either on the up and up or its not when its time to cut bait. The danger now isn't
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Nov 24th 2022
#NAFO #fellas You guys rallied to Ukraine and put the orc trolls to flight.

Now I see more and more infighting in NAFO, while the orcs trolls are in the ascendant, and getting Ukrainian supporters banned.

(continued... 1/4)
#NAFO, you are the finest movement to come along in recent times - free people from all over the world coming together to defend freedom. Don't let small differences in opinion take that away! You people are GLORIOUS.

Make it a RULE that a #Fella will never knife a Fella.
When this war began, the orc trolls had it all their own way, ganging up on Ukrainians. I can't remember the number of times I was banned.

Then #NAFO came along, like guardian angels - I'm NOT exaggerating. You people are EPIC warriors for freedom.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
Hey @mtracey I would like to answer a question for you. You asked how many Jews were saved by US (military) intervention in the Holocaust. Its a complex question but bears directly on the ongoing #GenocideOfUkrainians occurring today. So lets start with the basics. The estimates
are the 2 of every 3 Jews living in Europe in 1939 had vanished by 1945. I say vanished vs dead because some few managed to flee to nations that did not end up under the Nazi boot. In addition, the number is self is less than absolute because so many records were destroyed so
there is legitimately a grey area but its on the margins. The accepted consensus is there were 9 million jews in Europe prior to WWII.…
Read 20 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Yesterday I talked about the carnage outside Bakhmut resembling Flanders fields, and the type of battle resembling Verdun and how that would shatter the Russian Army. Today I am going to expound on why I think this is the case. Armies shattering after failed offensives is not an
unknown thing. There are 3 really good examples from WWI and they all have some things in common. The Kerensky Offensive, The Nivelle Offensive and The German Spring Offensive of 1918 especially the later offensives that targeted the French and Americans.
All of them involved armies that had been absolutely mauled, poorly defined strategic objectives and a leadership disconnected from the trauma suffered by the troops. In the Kerensky Offensive, Gen Brusilov who had almost knocked Austria Hungary out of the war a year earlier
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Nov 19th 2022
The pictures showing the carnage of #Bakhmut are straight from Flanders 1917... Chewed up ground and bodies lying row by row where they were mowed down like grass. Then there is the video of the SU-30S going down in flames. Add in yesterday's video showing a KAMAZ truck
that was turned into a sieve and the picture is pretty clear: #Russia is fucked. While I am very happy that Russia finds itself in this position, it didn't have to be this way. Had Russia stayed the course it started in 2012 and not brought Shoigu to the fore the war likely would
have gone much differently and might well be over by now. A decade's worth of real reform and re-arming would have made the Russian's much better at what they tried to do. Even if they were only twice as good (still bad by Western standards) and started a month later or earlier
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Nov 18th 2022
Good morning, with all the dour news from partisanship to whatever is going on with Twitter I thought I would start my daily essay with some comedy. hat tip to @wartranslated
That truck is the ultimate catfish for a mechanic. From 50 feet away you might think its repairable... up close its total scrap. Imagine being a flesh and blood creature when that rain of metal comes down? Yeah that parts not funny. What will drill neat little holes in steel
will pink mist anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it. No wonder the Russian's have decided running is better than driving. More and more reports coming in that the latest tranche of Russian Lend Lease to Ukraine will not disappoint. Though to be honest I don't know if that is
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Nov 17th 2022
Suddenly all these GOP'ers are calling for an audit of US aid to Ukraine. It's like they got marching orders. Now I don't think those orders came from Russia. Unlike the wiggidity wackity libs I remember that Trump was actually really severe on Putin. Toughest pre-Feb 24th
sanctions, blocking Nordstream 2, hitting Assad twice despite Putin threatening grave consequences and then of course turning a Wagner assault on US troops into a bloody burnt smear on the Syrian desert. So this is something new. maybe its just politics, at least I hope it is,
but we can't rule out dark money. So without further ado, I will audit the effectiveness of US aid to Ukraine. 1. The pre-war Russian Army doesn't exist anymore. A more than 100% casualty rate of the initial invasion force, the loss of thousands of tanks and vehicles, expending
Read 21 tweets

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