#SecurityOnion 2.3.180 now available!
✅#Elastic 8.4.3
✅#Suricata 6.0.8
✅#Zeek 5.0.2
✅New and improved #sysmon dashboards!
Thanks to @markrussinovich and team for #sysmon!
Need a #sysmon config? Check out @SwiftOnSecurity's!
Blog post:
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our updated #Sysmon Overview dashboard gives you a nice overview of all of the different types of #Sysmon data you are collecting:
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our new #Sysmon Registry dashboard allows you to drill into registry events like registry_value_set and registry_create_delete:
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our new #Sysmon DNS dashboard allows you to see DNS queries and answers:
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our new #Sysmon Process dashboards allows you to drill into process events like process_creation, process_access, and process_terminated:
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our new #Sysmon File dashboard allows you to drill into file events like file_create, file_create_stream_hash, and process_changed_file:
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our new #Sysmon Network dashboard allows you to drill into network events and the processes that generated them:
Security Onion Documentation printed book now updated for Security Onion 2.3.180!
Thanks to @taosecurity for the inspiring foreword!
Proceeds go to @RuralTechFund !
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