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Jan 8th 2023
17 herramientas GRATUITAS de #hacking #ciberseguridad #gratis:
Va hilo 🧵
1.Zeek: : monitorea y analiza el tráfico de red en tiempo real, captura paquetes, registra eventos y genera alertas de actividad sospechosa. Ampliamente utilizado en la industria y en la investigación académica. #Zeek #seguridad #red
2.ClamAV: :detectar y eliminar virus, malware y otras amenazas en archivos y mensajes de correo electrónico. Se utiliza a menudo en servidores de correo y sistemas de red para proteger contra amenazas de seguridad.#ClamAV #virus #seguridad #malware
Read 25 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
#SecurityOnion 2.3.180 now available!

#Elastic 8.4.3
#Suricata 6.0.8
#Zeek 5.0.2
✅New and improved #sysmon dashboards!

Thanks to @markrussinovich and team for #sysmon!

Need a #sysmon config? Check out @SwiftOnSecurity's!

Blog post:… ImageImageImageImage
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our updated #Sysmon Overview dashboard gives you a nice overview of all of the different types of #Sysmon data you are collecting: Image
@markrussinovich @SwiftOnSecurity Our new #Sysmon Registry dashboard allows you to drill into registry events like registry_value_set and registry_create_delete: Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
WHAT'S THE NEXT $CANTO? Here is a list of 10 new blockchains to expect in 2022-2023

@CantoPublic is a #layer-1 blockchain built to deliver on the promise of #defi. as a post-traditional financial movement, $canto enables accessibility, transparency, and freedom for new systems.
the way they airdropped was something that almost surprised everyone you could simply get like 2K $Canto for doing nothing and just requesting a test #token for their #testnet but if you were early and lucky enough to receive the test token 🚀🍻
By doing a few simple tasks you were eligible to get around 10K $Canto that people sold for +5000K
here are the criteria for the airdrop so if you have posted the tweet and haven't checked your wallet this might be a good time to do #LFG
Read 14 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
Paper alert! I'm going to share the story of my paper with @barabasi , "Recovery Coupling in multilayer networks" out today in @NatureComms #networkscience #resilience #research 👨‍🔬🧑‍💻A thread.🧵
People have been solving models for interdependent networks for a while. The math is elegant and the models can easily show a plethora of interesting dynamical phenomena. I even wrote a review on the subject… #resilience #infrastructure #physics
The trouble is, most models require that a power asset can fail and cause a communication outage AND that a communication outage can cause a power outage. The first is common. The second? Hard to find. Both at once? No one has ever reported it. Image
Read 21 tweets

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