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We're fighting for internet freedom through cutting-edge research, analysis, & advocacy. #FreedomOnTheNet is a @FreedomHouse project.

Oct 18, 2022, 6 tweets

IT’S HERE! #FreedomOnTheNet 2022: Countering an Authoritarian Overhaul of the Internet is out NOW 🎉

As internet freedom declined for the 12th year in a row, here’s a thread on our findings ⬇️🧵…

While the internet has always been subject to some degree of fracturing along national borders, governments worldwide are breaking apart the internet to create more controllable online spaces.

#FreedomOnTheNet 2022 identifies three main causes of fragmentation:

The report also explores how fragmentation harms:

➡️ Free expression
➡️ Access to information
➡️ Justice and accountability
➡️ Privacy and security
➡️ Association and assembly
➡️ Economic opportunity
➡️ Online community building

Learn more:…

Meanwhile, online censorship reached an all-time high, with a record number of governments blocking political, social, or religious content, often targeting information sources based outside of their borders.

For the 8th consecutive year, China remained the worst abuser for internet freedom.

Russia was this year’s biggest score decline due to the government’s restrictions on free expression following its invasion of Ukraine.

Despite this, 26 countries saw score improvements!

And though digital repression is undoubtedly becoming more sophisticated, responses from governments, civil society, and the private sector are beginning to yield results.

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