pear⁷ 🧸🐣 Profile picture
kind of inactive from writing (& in general) right now please wait for me 🍙 #남준: i’m goddamn lost! 🍙 95z & ot7 🍙 #vminau #vmin ♡

Oct 18, 2022, 232 tweets

vmin social media au where jimin is notoriously famous online for his playboy image and taehyung takes the internet by storm with his bad boy persona “vante”. the twist? they're both softies in real life.

#vmin #vminau

notes 1:
- just fluff n good vibes, maybe slight angst
- might b slightly suggestive but won’t be nsfw so dw
- there will be swearing
- mostly social media, minimal written parts if any
- vmin endgame, no side ships currently but we’ll see

notes 2:
- ignore timestamps thanks
- i’m an android user so my app might be slightly inaccurate pls don’t mind
- i’ll try to be consistent w hair colors but sorry if i mess up heh
- pls like/rt/quote whenever! i'd love to know when ppl like my story heh

notes 3:
- all of bts are famous for diff reasons here, so they all have a public verified acct and a private personal acct
- for the sake of the story, let’s pretend the fans never find their personal accts
- only jimin and v have a persona different from their real selves

profiles 1: park jimin
- persona: a model known for being sexy and flirty, with a dash of overflowing charisma to boot
- rumor: he likes to fuck around
- truth: he is the cutest and softest angel who actually would prefer to settle down

profiles 2: kim taehyung
- persona: an influencer known for being the intimidating mysterious bad boy, goes by the name “vante”
- rumor: he likes to party and drink
- truth: he hates his alcohol and would rather visit the park than go to a bar

profiles 3: the people who share jimin’s truth
- kim seokjin, the chef with a youtube channel dedicated to all things food
- jung hoseok, the choreographer who is also part of a dance company

profiles 4: the people who share taehyung’s truth
- kim namjoon, the really famous rapper-singer-songwriter
- min yoongi, the really successful producer-songwriter

profiles 5: the person who gets the best of both worlds (and actually plays a really important role in the story lmao)
- jeon jungkook, the youtuber who plays video games, sings song covers, records vlogs, and does a little bit of everything

1. it begins - taehyung’s pov

2. it begins - jimin’s pov

3. they work

4. more work

5. so they have two privs huh

6. connecting dots

7. jungkook investigates - first victim: taehyung (pt1)

8. jungkook investigates - first victim: taehyung (pt2)

9. jungkook investigates - second victim: jimin (pt1)

10. jungkook investigates - second victim: jimin (pt2)

11. FILA affiliates
- second picture read from bottom to top

12. clout chaser

13. doubt

14. insecurity

15. easier

16. oblivious

17. the other side

18. research

19. hypothetically

20. jungkook is surrounded by idiots
- first picture read from bottom to top

21. jimin is the bigger idiot

22. jk plays matchmaker

23. q&a

24. all part of the plan

25. what was jimin freaking out about?

26. vmin trending so true
- read from bottom to top

27. how does taehyung feel now?

28. shooting his shot

29. shots fired

30. ricochet

31. back and forth

32. gay panic

33. taehyung gets bullied by his friends

34. all this flirting on main and yet

35. things on jimin’s end

36. deja vu

37. suggestive

38. vmin thirst traps keep the fans fed
- last picture read from bottom to top

39. things get out of hand

40. competition

41. annoying

42. jimin rants

43. jimin, it’s not that deep

44. taehyung rants

45. taehyung, this is just plain stupid

46. jungkook is tired

47. getting over it

48. life goes on

49. almost like nothing happened

50. behind the scenes soft moments

51. jungkook hasn’t forgotten

52. the operation starts with a collab

53. namjoon namjoon namjoon

54. man’s best friend

55. confused fans start a war

56. taehyung catches wind of the drama

57. taehyung has a great support system

58. same jungkook same

59. hello yeontan

60. cracks

61. jimin is curious once again

62. a little bit wary

63. enemies to friends to lovers

64. finally reaching out

65. seen

66. stop meddling jungkook

67. all because of a dog

68. deal with it

69. just some thoughts

70. haha yeah

71. well this is awkward

72. blank slate

73. introducing me

74. bridging the gap

75. learning you

76. jungkook celebrates his small victories

77. yet there are masks to keep

78. let’s not complicate it

79. invisible boundaries

80. 🤥

81. the friendzone

82. jungkook is so so tired

83. jungkook decides to just fuck it and go

(a/n: reposted because i found a mistake sorry 😭)

84. the moment jimin’s world falls apart

85. how could you

86. kdrama moment

87. impostor sus

88. they’re okay

89. whiplash

90. it was only a joke

91. reassurance

92. shared experiences

93. you understand my soul

94. real names and false rumors

95. the next step

96. start of something new

97. followback

98. talk too much

99. meeting up

100. vmin is back?

101. vmin is back

102. boyfriend behavior

103. is it really just friendship though?

104. i won’t say i’m in love

105. matters of the heart

106. they as you how you are, and you just have to say that you’re fine

107. jungkook doing god’s work once again

108. one dot = 100x more love for jimin

109. live and let live

110. apparently it’s been three months

111. regular scheduled programming

112. everything is normal

113. or is it really?

114. pretending that it’s all okay

115. tell me that it’s all okay

116. i want to understand

117. but you ran away

118. i caused this somehow

119. time and space between us

120. jimin gets a message

121. the intervention

122. i want him so fucking much

123. let him make the choice

124. so it goes

125. come back to me

126. he's not fine

127. time after time

128. what does it mean if your crush is avoiding you?
- real answers from google (a/n: thanks google!)

129. fuck feelings

130. it’s been a month, jimin

131. time to move on

132. jungkook gets taehyung blues for breakfast

133. really, truly, desperately

134. jeon jungkook, the guy who’s responsible for being vmin’s number one savior and keeper because goddamn they’re hopeless

135. send help - seokjin edition

136. that’ll be one million won

137. send help - yoongi edition

138. controlled environment

139. you’re a wise old man

140. brainstorm

141. the idea

142. you’re invited - taehyung’s side

143. kim taehyung, the caretaker of the drunks

144. you’re invited - jimin’s side

145. park jimin, the life of the party who’s a good friend

146. pre-party panic

147. pre-party prep

148. fit check

149. how to keep the gay in check

150. the night is young

— intermission: polls

surprise! didn’t expect this to become interactive huh?

well actually there are just some stuff in the coming parts that i can’t decide on, so what better way to come to a decision than by asking you guys?

anyway, please help this writer out and vote!

— poll 1:

this one decides how an important event plays out. for the sake of keeping the surprise, i'm keeping it vague hehe. don't worry though there's no wrong answer!

— poll 2:

this one meanwhile decides how the important event will be told in the story. do you guys want it to be in social media format or do you guys want it written out in narrative form?

— polls closed! thanks for voting :)

i broke the tie of poll 1 by using a picker wheel online. here’s the result! 😘

151. meetings and greetings

152. so fucking glad

153. partner in crime

154. world spinning

155. bars spitting

156. this is too much chaos

157. honestly what the fuck

158. they refuse to stop live-tweeting

159. i got the best friends in this place

160. one for the books

161. the morning after

162. they converse through text because why not

163. head count

164. um so about that

165. vmin is missing?

166. the number you have dialed is either unattended or busy at the moment

167. please try your call later

168. text or call back asap

169. when was the last time we saw them last night?

170. jungkook, yoongi, and seokjin sober up real quick

171. so where did vmin vanish off to?

— notice: ao3 link

the written part is here! for the sake of accessibility, i’ve opted to cross-post it on ao3 for those who might prefer to read through there. don’t read the tags or the summary though, they might be somewhat of a spoiler.


172. this is how it starts

173. falling into place

174. 😘

175. hesitation

176. intoxicatingly sweet

177. this was a mistake

178. touch and go

179. where’d you go?

180. in the park of the early morning

181. the blue shade that stayed with me

182. i still hope the door is open

183. taehyung, this is wrong

184. i’ll be honest with you tonight

185. the last thing jimin expected

186. relief

187. i have my feelings now

188. he finally gets it

189. our happiness was meant to be

190. ‘cause you love me, and i love you

191. stuck in their own world

192. coming to their senses

193. back online

194. hello everyone!!

195. 🍺🤗💋

196. 🏃😭💞

197. vmin boyfriends so true

198. the couple has arrived

199. the chaotic retelling

200. reacting to the full story

201. namjoon and hoseok catch up on the news

202. the party’s real end (i.e. they all go home)

203. jungkook celebrates because fucking finally

204. congratulations are in order

205. they’re still processing

206. initiate

207. the first date (pt1)

208. the first date (pt2)

209. audience feedback

210. life with you

211. stays the same

212. just sweeter

213. bruno major- nothing 지민픽

214. matchy-matchy

215. honeymoon

216. sail away with me

217. on cloud nine

that’s all for now! just some fluff bc vmin deserves it :) #vmin #vminau

btw, i'll be a bit busy these coming days so idk how long before the next update. i hope u stick around nonetheless!

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