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Oct 20, 2022, 10 tweets

Interfluid Staking is at the Center of Osmosis’ Master Plan.

But what the heck is it?
(1/10) 🧵👇🏻

@sunnya97 @dogemos @Flowslikeosmo
#MeshSecurity #Cosmos

2. Interfluid Staking can be thought of simply as the combination of:

1)Superfluid Staking
2)Cross Staking

Let’s explore each and Interfluid Staking 👇🏻

3. Superfluid Staking

•The ability to stake the Osmosis tokens normally locked in your LP position

-You provide 50% ATOM & 50% OSMO to OSMO/ATOM LP on Osmosis

-This used to be the last thing you could do

-Now, you can also stake the Osmosis tokens in your LP

4. Why would you Superfluid Stake?

•Higher Rewards. Users now can earn rewards from both:

1)transaction fees on the LP trading pair

2)Staking rewards for delegating OSMO with a validator…

5. Cross Staking

•The ability to stake tokens cross chain


-Osmosis network could vote to allow $AXL @axelarcore to be a stakeable asset

-This means $AXL will generate rewards but also is subject to slashing

•Sound like Mesh security? That’s because it is!

6. But why would chains Cross Stake? (Mesh Security)

•Shared Security= Increased Security for all (think NATO)

•Will every single chain share security?

-No, chains will naturally choose to cross stake & protect chains they are economically dependent on (ie Axelar &Osmosis)

7. What’s in it for Validators/Stakers?

•The Obvious: Increased Security

•Osmosis will incentivize validators to validate on other chains to make cross staking possible

•Incentives=more money to validators & likely higher rewards to Stakers

8. Interfluid Staking

•The ability to stake native & non native tokens locked in an LP

1)Provide liquidity to the OSMO/ATOM Pool on Osmosis

2)Stake the native token OSMO(Superfluid Staking) in LP

3)Stake the non native Token ATOM (Cross Staking)

4) Earn Rewards on all 3!

9. Excited about this future for Osmosis and the rest of Cosmos?

•Me too.

10. If want more threads like this, support Orbital Command & auto-compound your yield by staking $OSMO with us on Yieldmos! 👇🏻…

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