ਪਰਮਜੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ || Parmjeet Singh Profile picture
ਸੰਪਾਦਕ, ਸਿੱਖ ਸਿਆਸਤ || ਵਕੀਲ || ਸਾਬਕਾ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਸਿੱਖ ਸਟੂਡੈਂਟਸ ਫੈਡਰੇਸ਼ਨ || Editor, Sikh Siyasat News || Advocate || Former President Sikh Students Federation.

Oct 21, 2022, 36 tweets


Dr. Gurpreet Singh:
• Who is Akali as per the Panthic Tradition?
• How British ordered mass killings & shoot at sight of Akali Nihangs?
• How British advocated forming a Govt. controlled management committee to manage affairs of Sikh Gurdwara affairs?

Dr. Gurpreet Singh:-
• How main leaders of Gurdwara sudhar movement of early 20th century were against Gurdwara Act enforcing elections in Gurdwara affairs?
• How British enforced Gurdwara Act on Sikhs?
• How Akal Takht and Gurdwara Affairs were managed under Akali Nihangs?

Dr. Gurpreet Singh:-
• Guru Khalsa Panth’s “Decision Making Process” and “Leadership Selection Process” are basic foundations for managing affairs of Akal Takht Sahib as per Panthic tradition.

Dr. Gurpreet Singh concludes:-

• Need of hour is to bring Akal Takht Sahib out of electoral control.
• Need to readopt 1. Panch Pardhani leadership format, 2. Panthic selection process and 3. Gurmata decision making process.


Dr. Kanwaljit Singh:-

•Brief History of Akali Takht Sahib.
• Akal Takht during Guru period.
• Akal Takht during after Guru Khalsa Panth got Guruship (ਗੁਰਿਆਈ)।

Gurmata and Akal Takht Sahib - Bhai Kanwaljit Singh

• On the call of Bhai Mani Singh Ji, Sarbat Khalsa was convened at Akal Takht Sahib in 1734 and Gurmata was adopted.


Bhai Kanwaljit Singh
• British colonisers were watching role of Akal Takht Sahib in consolidation of Khalsa Raj during Misl and Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s period.
• After occupying Punjab British killed Maharaja’s family& ordered massacre of Akali Nihangs.

Bhai Kanwaljit Singh:-
• Akal Takht Sahib’s prabandh was always with a “Jatha” (collective leadership) of Akali (who do not lay or hold any worldly claim).



Guru Granth Sahib and Guru Khalsa Panth were given Guruship (ਗੁਰਿਆਈ) there Guru Khalsa Panth came into bring (ਪਰਗਟ ਹੋਇਆ): Bhai Kanwaljit Singh


• Bhai Kanwaljit Singh narrates list of major decisions taken by Guru Khalsa Panth through Gurmata.

• British closely studied role and influence of Akali Nihangs in formation of, and during Sarkar-e-Khalsa.


• Changes British enforced in systems developed by Guru Khalsa Panth.
• How British destroyed Bunga Sarkar-e-Khalsa from Sri Harmandar Sahib-Akal Takht Sahib’s precincts?
• How British stopped Raj Karega Khalsa Dohra recitation in Harmandar Sahib?


Bhai Kanwaljit Singh refers to a document prepared by British colonisers which presented idea of establishing government control of Akal Takht Sahiba and Gurdwara management.


Bhai Kanwaljit Singh briefly tells the history of Gurdwara Management Act that how British enforced Gurdwara Act on Sikhs after putting Sikh leadership behind the bar.


• After Gurdwara Act 1925 was implemented, SGPC president and a subcommittee of SGPC were given supremacy over Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib.
• Need to free Akal Takht Sahib’s prabandh from the control of bodies subject to electoral politics.

@BhaiDaljitSingh is addressing #SriAmritsarVicharGoshti :-

• Refers to fluidity of international, South Asian, Indian subcontinent, Punjab and Sikh situation.



There are four major fields:-

1. Akal Takht Sahib’s Prabhandh.

2. Gurdwara Management

3. Regional Political

4. Independence struggle

Our initiative is to provide a platform for dialogue with in the Sikhs about these four major issues.

Today We Panthic Sampardais, Panthic bodies and personalities were invited.

Next we will hold separate discussions with Pracharaks, Diaspora, Youth, Intellectuals and Women.



We are not forming any new group/organisation.

We shall try to provide platform for internal discussion.



1. Giani Jaswant Singh Ji calls for adoption of Gurmat in practise.

2. Giani Kewal Singh Ji says present system of prabhandh of Akal Takht Sahib is not in accordance of Khalsa Ji’s Patshahi Dawa.

Bhai Satnam Singh Ji Kahndewala moderating discussion during #SriAmritsarVicharGoshti

Prof. Baljinder Singh of Bhai Jagtar Singh Ji Hawara Rihai Committee recounts 21 October 2015 when Panj Singh performing Amrit Sanchar Sewa had brought a reflection of Jalau (ਜਲੌਅ) of Khalsa Ji’s tradition by demanding clarification from Jarhedars who had “pardoned” Sauda Sadh.


Notably Bhai Satnam Singh Khandewala and Bhai Satnam Singh Jhanjian (two of organisers of today’s goshti) were two of those five Singhs.


Bhai Sukhdev Singh Bhaur suggests that an exclusive discussion about Sovereignty of Khalsa Ji should be held in a selected gathering so that it could be discussed in detail.


Bhai Sukhdev Singh Bhaur:-
1. Mere change of persons/groups under SGPC’s electoral system won’t lead to any change.
2. Gurdwara management is one of the issues concerning Sikhs, not only issue.
3. We should coordinate Sikh Sangat.

To make Akal Takht Jathedar supreme we need to select Jathedar as per tradition of the Guru Khalsa Panth.
Jathedars nominated by SGPC like body elected through elections can not assert their supreme authority: Bhai Sukhdev Singh Bhaur


Baba Maan Singh Ji, Mukhi Guru Nanak Dal, Marian Wale (Nihang Singh) addressing now.

1. Election system should not be there in Gurdwara Sahibs.
2. He recites his poem which says “ਅਕਾਲ ਤਖਤ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਭੁਸੱਤਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਦਿੱਲੀ ਤਖਤ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਨਾਹੀ”


S. Gurpreet Singh, Global Sikh Council and Kendri Sri Guru Singh Sabha, calls for introspection that why we are not uniting as per Panthic tradition.

He endorses @bhaidaljitsingh’s call for Samvad (dialogue).


S. Baldev Singh calls for unity.


Parmjeet Singh Mand, Spokesperson of Dal Khalsa endorses the need to being Akal Takht’s prabhandh out of control of management bodies elected through electoral process.


Bhai Bhupinder Singh Pehalwan calls for Panthic unity and re-adoption of Panthic Tradition.


Bhai Sukhwinder Singh (Satikar Sabha, Haryana) :-

1. We need to establish Sovereignty of Akal Takht Sahib.
2. We need to shun ego (ਹਉਮੈ) to establish unity.


Bhai Bakhsish Singh, Akhand Kirtani Jatha :-

Endorses point raised by Bhai Sukhwinder Singh about sovereignty of Akal Takht Sahib.


Mata Surjit Kaur, Mother of Shaheed Bhai Baljinder Singh Raju.


Bhai Rajinder Singh, Bhai Hardeep Singh Mehraj, Bhai Amrik Singh Isru, Bhai Lal Singh and Bhai Sukhdev Singh Dod collectively extends thanks to all personalities and organisations for participating in today’s discussion.


At the conclusion of discussion Baba Chhinder Singh Ji, Fatehgarh Sabhawan reciting “ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ”।

Thanks everyone. This thread ends here.

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