Neil Tester Profile picture
Chair @HWHertfordshire. Former Director @RichmondGroupOC and Deputy Director @HealthwatchE. Own views. RTs = interest only. 🏳️‍🌈

Oct 21, 2022, 11 tweets

The annual @CareQualityComm #StateOfCare report’s out today, just in time to focus minds as decisions are made about future health and care funding. Here’s my thread, picking out some of the nuggets that have got me thinking. 🧵 1/10…

2/10 Overall #StateOfCare message: gridlocked care, growing risks of harm and a need to tackle inequalities. Summarised here in the foreword. Stresses need for workforce investment at system level. Rightly says need to understand people’s experiences overall not in isolation.

3/10 Good to see this reminder in #StateOfCare that ICSs need to use insights from local people to drive and track improvement. Key role for #Healthwatch and #VCSFE organisations there, I’d say. Very relevant to the need for shared learning described in section on collaboration.

4/10 Good section in #StateOfCare on the impact on people of waits for care, combining @IpsosUK research with 4,000 over-65s with @HealthwatchE insights into what this means for people.

5/10 #StateOfCare highlights the impact of people having to wait for social care assessments. Good to see it drawing upon @ageukcampaigns @candsalliance work to demonstrate how this relates to unmet need.

6/10 Important shift noted in #StateOfCare from people avoiding making GP appointments from fear of Covid or not wanting to burden the NHS. Now people who want appointments can’t get them. 1/3 people struggling to get appointments simply going without diagnosis or treatment.

7/10 Stark section in #StateOfCare on NHS #dentistry, making good use of @HealthwatchE insight. Highlights access challenge and pressure on people to go private on the same day as this @guardian piece on @TheBDA letter to @Jeremy_Hunt:…

8/10 Important messages in #StateOfCare about need to collect and use data to identify and tackle race and other #inequalities. Echoes what @HWHertfordshire said locally in recommendations in this recent report on the experiences of Black and Asian people:…

9/10 #StateOfCare sets out how #PatientExperience, while fluctuating regionally, has declined overall since before the pandemic. Good to see @CareQualityComm planning to dig deeper into this.

10/10 A final reflection on #StateOfCare: in the past few years, especially at the height of Covid, these reports described and championed community engagement and partnership with the voluntary sector. Notably absent this year. Maybe a function but also a driver of the gridlock?

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