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Oct 21, 2022, 7 tweets

#astrology & #animal feeding for correcting your #Karma/deeds

In Astrology we have provision to correct our deeds or actions by performing punya karmas related to Herbs, Plants, Trees, rivers, animals & land etc

We are indebted to them as they are nourishing & taking care us.

Whereas as Cow is considered as mother of all animals & it is connected with planet venus & earthy element fulfills all your material, family & monetary needs.

Feed regularly to cow with bare hands with Aaati ki Roti, Jeggery, honey or any sweet thing which cow likes

Cow is symbol of Kaamdhenu, worshipped as a God stature, favourable to Lord shiri krishna & 33 koti devi & devtas all are in the cow. If one is having Afflicted venus in chart regularly feed cows and contribute & clear your Rina toward Mother Cow.

Dog is Human favourite animal, pet and best friend representative, liked by Lord Bhairva, Guru Dattarey, Lord Yama.

Feed regularly milk to stray dogs, Wheat Roti & give them water in summer to make your Ketu & Saturn happy by your good deeds and it help to strengthen Ke & Sa.

You can also feed Mouse, Squirrel, Small insects & Fish for Ketu as well to get blessings of Lord Ganesha.

For Rahu one should Regularly feed ants with flour, sugar to make rahu Happy and you can also Donate milk to snakes or those organization who protects snakes.

Feeding Ants with Flours & Sugar also make Kula Devta happy. Crow is considered as Messenger of Ancestors, also Vahana of Shani Dev so one should regularly feed crows your daily portion of meal to rooftop I.e hand made rice bowls, Rice, water, small Wheat roti

To make Shani devi and your ancestors happy.

Feeding wheat roti, Sweat bread, Gud Chana, Bannana & Carrot helps to please both both Sun & Mars.

if you regularly feed Millets & grains to small birds, pigeons you can please your planet mercury and improves your memory

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