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Founder @Vedicsiddhanta. Writes on Mundane astrology, Geo-politics, Weather, Stock Market & Spirituality. Consultation I Course Enquiry :
Nov 17, 2024 5 tweets 6 min read
Destiny and Karma - Deep understanding

There is a Quote which Says :
"Avashyam anubhoktavyam kruta 
karma shubhashubham”

which means that, one has to experience the effects of karma in any case whether it is part of good or bad actions either done in this life or in the past life.  

Karma Phalas act like Newton’s third law of motion which clearly says that,

“To every Action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.

Karmaphala or the result of our actions equally works like newton’s third law of motion and the same are equally powerful, whether we do good or bad karma in any birth or life.

All our actions and work in society act like an arrow shot. Once it is shot from the bow, there is no chance to recall it in any case.

Karma Phala or cause or effects work in the same way, so everyone has to be very cautious and one should always think before any action.

Karmas are majorly classified into three major categories. Dridha, Adridha & Dridh-Adridha karmas or Uddishya, Anuddhishya & Uddishyanuddhishya karmas.

It means, intentional or willful karmas, un-intensional karmas & karmas done at any moment without any prior thought.

whatever the nature of karma, results or karma phalas are bound to happen and no one can escape from it which means our Destiny is driven by the karmas but results are not.

Why it is So because a Man is born with past Samskaras, good will or bsd will or the past tendencies, that he acquires with his activities karma in previous lives.

We are born with the Gunas which we acquired from the past life Samaskaras i.e Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas.

Our Soul is bound to be born with these Gunas and because of these Gunas we do perform karmas either in the past or in the Present birth, All our thoughts and actions are influenced by these Gunas based on our past Samaskaras, hence we are with connect thin knot of the past karmas and we can only move in the boundaries of that karmas of past which we called as #Prarabdha karma , hence we are driven by our karmas.

The #Bhagwat #Gita says, "Not even for a moment can man remain without performing any action "

And we are performing karmas based on these Samaskaras which build our destiny.

#Destiny #AstrologyImage According to the Padma Purana, a human being is born with the fate of five things in one's life;

this is already pre-decided at the time of one's conception in the womb, which means when a soul is inserted into the womb of the mother with pre-destined karmas, which we termed fate.

These five previously predetermined by the elements of fate are:

1. In present life, how much overall or total riches one will come upon?

2. One's employment.

3. their schooling.

4. Our lifespan.

5. Death: That is, where, when, and how one will die.

These five things that are bound to happen are preordained, or you might say they are already fixed and will come to pass, regardless of what; so, they are related with our fate and can be called as one's destiny.

Past Samaskaras is the reason our character is developed or formed in that direction and drives one to act in such a way that events follow intended paths.

How? Do we have free will at all to act autonomously, or we are only wheels on a machine run by the Supreme? Krishna informs Arjuna, "Thus I have given you insight better suited for Krishna tells Arjuna, "Thus I have given you a more covertly secret understanding, it's up to you how you act.

Here, Lord Shiri Krishna makes abundantly evident that man does have free will to think and act autonomously, which guides us to the path of Moksha.

Though its outcomes are not in our hands, the Law of Karma makes us the architects of our own destiny since it operates on the ideas of cause and effect.

Free will becomes a must if we are to be able to mould our own fate.

The Law of Karma becomes inactive without free will; thus, we will have a limited free will that helps us to pursue merely material pleasures that might degrade our future samskaras, or we could engage noble deeds that would generate sattvic samskaras and help us to evolve spiritually and finally take us to the goal of human life, that is, moksha at the end.
Sep 24, 2024 4 tweets 6 min read
How #Remedies actually works - Principal of #Karma ?

Remedies operate on the basis of karma, specifically the Sanchita and Pradbha Karma that an individual has accumulated.

One who is having Strong Navamsa, 9th house/Lord in D1 and D9 remedies always works for them with efforts.

That indicates about credited karma or accumulated karma, the portion of your good karma in total.

Without putting efforts or some actions in the form of karma, none of the remedies will work. Only with your good karma or bhakti toward your ishta can help you to minimise the impact of life challenges in the future or you can say that can mitigate the impact or consequences of the past deeds to some extent.

Karma generates ripples of karmic action in the time cycle of birth and death; the more the past deed is heavy, the more it can be felt in many births of the soul that we can figure out of the retrograde nature of the planets present in the one chart that shows the pending karma soul is carrying from many of the past journies.

If the burden of the soul is heavy, it is impossible to clear the debt of past karmic actions in current birth.

To get some relaxation from these karmic actions, either one needs to put in intense tapasya or one needs total surrender toward the ishta devta.

Another way is to take shelter of the Siddha Yogi or a Divine guru to get a way out of these heavy karmic deeds that one has done in the past few years.

If we want to understand remedies in general, we need to first understand the consequences of the karmas.

Remedies are simply like applying for discounts from your credited karma. If you have zero balance in your sanchit karma, you won’t expect your application for remuneration to be approved for further processing.

If the Prarabhda is 90% and the good part of the Sanchit is 10%, you have to face past deeds results of karma in your life as part of previous birth Bad Karma.

Both the karmas are inversely proportional to each other, and the remaining  percentage signifies how much intense karma you have to suffer in this birth or it has to carry forward in the next birth.

#astrologyImage Therefore, before seeking a concession from the Almighty Love, it is important to first examine your Praradbha Karma.

The placement of the 6th house and its lord in D1, D9, and D60 indicates the deeds of your past life.

In addition, it is crucial to assess the position of Jupiter in your birth chart, as it significantly influences your understanding of how past reincarnations are impacting you in the present.

The answer can be found by examining your Jupiter placement, specifically the 2nd and 12th Lord planetary placement from the Jupiter and it's link with Jupiter.

This link can reveal crucial areas where the individual's past life has influenced them in the present, leading to their current struggles.

In this life, the 6th house shows Shadripus—i.e., debts, sufferings, diseases, enemies, and weakness out of past actions.

What type of individual has accumulated karma in the past? The same one has to face the one of six Shadripus. I.e., Venus shows extreme lust and lack of happiness from spouse and financial stress in this life.

If Sun is 6th Lord, one will face a lack of respect in public life, and his ego always tries to dominate the native. Same way the effects of other planets can be decoded.

To understand the consequences or intensity of the 6th Lord in current life, one has to check the 6th House or its lord strength.

If it is placed in Sthira Rashi’s or afflicted in both the D9 and D60 charts, the impact of karmas will be intense in the current life, and whenever there will be transit of Saturn or nodes transiting around this sign (6th lord sign), one can experience the results of the past deeds during that tenure, good or bad depending on the strength of the 6th, and sometimes the result will be hard to avoid and suffering will be severe.

One has to face it or experience the consequences as it shows your Prarabdha karma. If the 6th Lord is in a dual sign, one can put efforts into mitigating it to some extent.

If it is in Chara Rashi, one can neutralise the impact of Karmas to a great extent and burn it in current birth, and native efforts will get their results, and the impact of Dashas periods will be softer on the native.

Moon Placement, Sign, and the Planetary Dashas Show the sum total of your Sanchit karma.

Dasha Period in Vedic astrology is the sum total of your Sanchit Karma, and Transits are the carrier agent and delivery boy of that Karma.

When will the parcel (fruits) of Karma deliver to you? It totally depends on the transit.

That time your old karma’s (both good and bad) of the past should get triggered or get aligned with your Dasha Period.

Delivery boy (transits) can deliver either good fruits or bad totally depends on your total karma (Dasha and planetary placements).
Apr 9, 2024 9 tweets 8 min read
Reason for increase in Natural #catestrophies - Astro Spritual Aspect of Nature

Unseen world is composed of 90 % Prakarti 3 forms of energies; Satva energy (Energy in Rest, Praana Energy or Sookshma Energy, cause for promoting Satva guna in nature, energy of beginning) , Rajas (Energy in Motion – Kinetic Energy, cause for material manifestation) and Tamas (Energy in Mass or inertia, cause for Matter, Material creation and destruction ) and Seen world is made up of 10% Mass or Matter and it is made out of Maya (Dark Matter in Science and Divine energy in Upnishads responsible for creation and manifestation of cosmos).

What we are seeing is only 10% The rest of 90% % is Hidden and can't be seen via naked eyes and neither science will be able to prove it.Image Sookashma(Sub Atomic level) is what we cant experience by physical knowledge or physical body It needs Sookshma Vision and higher soul level Energy to understand it.

In modern Science language 90% of world is in living in Sub-Sub atomic level(in Quantum World) and it is beyond for current Humans beings DNA level to understand it fully in simpler form.

The DNA level of Seers and people who were living in Doophar, treta and Sat yuga were composed of Highly Precious and Extreme helix Structure.

They were highly intelligent being and biological structures are beyond our imagination, living in multidimensional yuga with abilities to use sookshama energies at maximum either for traveling or for any material manifestation.Image
May 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In every individual horoscope, every planetary placement ( either good or bad) has some history, story & karma connected with ( it could be starting from your birth or might be last birth or could be any birth). Every planetary placement shows it's purpose that one should learn Image And move forward and accept the destiny it brings to you.

In Majority of cases Exaltation of any planet shows Higher or purified karma which is bringing silver spoon in life ( physically or mentally) depends on your chart.
Apr 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Why we need to do Good deeds as a remedy ?

Reason being Good deeds convert into punya which need to be earned, to increase your balance of sanchit karma only be done when you perform Food Donations by your own hand selflessly.

There is an old saying - sewa mien hi Mewa hai Why Seva is given on top among all the remedies because we are suffering by own deeds in the form of Shad-ripus controlled by 6th house - so to reduce your Shad-ripus in our life Sewa should need to bebdone regularly - How by giving cooked foods to needy one, by Donating food.
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Planetary discipline for the #Sun is to wake up before sunrise everyday without if & but connecting your soul with Divine.Maintaining & Valuing the Discipline of Time, as Sun Signifies Healing of the Nature & Time which represents everything should be done as part of discipline Have Surya Darshan ( Bhagwan Surya Arga). Performing Surya Namaskar in open nature. Connecting With Nature when Sunlight is in Orange colour as that is the colour of healing & connecting oneness with Sun god, who is bhagwan vishnu itself.
Mar 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Majority of people are looking for Remedies in the form of Ritual, Stotra, Totka or Mantra but Planetary placement First talk about your Planetary discipline, Thoughts, ideology, lifestyle & how you are tuned toward that Graha in sync with nature. For e.g If we talk about Mercury - It's pratyadi Devta is Bhagwan Vishnu but prakarti Mata ( Nature) is also Deity of Mercury, unless & untill you never follow the rules of nature or discipline toward that you may not able to improve your Mercury.
Mar 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Well Time is cyclic in nature, there are 14 manvantar's, we are at 7th Manvantar's ( Vaivasta Mannu) currently , age of each Kalpa is around 4.32 Billon years which is equal to 1 day of Bramha, each such day is called Kalpa, & approx age of bramha is 100 years which will be equal to 311.04 trillion years which is called Maha Kalpa which is exactly the life span of the current universe - 311.04 trillion human years which is further the duration of one breath of "Vishnu" Bhagwan.
Mar 29, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
How Many of you are using Divisional charts correctly?

First of all you have to understand the Natal chart shows your promise of life events whatever it shows Divisional charts shows its Micro analysis wrt that area of life & cannot cross the that Natal promise in your life As Natal shows your collection of Sanchit & Prarabdha karma so it's your physical plain. Divisional chart helps to fine tune that area in a more deeper way but it cannot go beyond that.
Mar 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Exchange yoga is a very important Yoga to understand how one can get support via other planets, in my observation I have seen this won't give you immediate or permanent result after you have born, it has some time period, it's purpose is to support the planet & bhava #astrology Image like you are getting support from your close friends in a difficult time when there is no one around but what is when you will get support from the exchanged planet.

In practical observation, exchange yoga usually get active whenever both the dasha period get starts.
Mar 22, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Pointers for #EARTHQUAKE Analysis as per Mundane Astrology

These are important observations of Eminent Astrologers  like Dr B.V Raman and Dr K.N Rao  proposed for earthquake triggering  model

1) Earthquake Never occurs during eclipses but they mostly take place exactly within Image 15 days before or within 15 days after eclipses almost around next new or full moon day, total of 1 month period is important after eclipses

2) Earthquake often happens either at midnight (around 12 am, Nadir Point, 4th house) or just after the sunrise before midday
Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I fully agree on this I have seen in many cases where Jupiter placement over firey signs makes one very arrogant over knowledge, intelligence. In many of cases , when Jupiter comes to give malefic results especially over functionally malefic lagnas it has given bad results too. One can takes the case of uddhav Bhagwan krishna friend - very knowledgeable, full of intelligence & knowledge but do not knows the power of bhakti but when he met Gopi's he started getting the power of Bhakti over gyan.

Gyan & Varigayas are two Sons of bhakti (Devotion)
Mar 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
People these days are widely dependent on predicting via Nakashtras but actually they are precisely meant for Panchang, Muhurat - Used in timing day and time for Ritual, Medical astrology for figuring out Remedies, In various Chakaras for predicting Mundane predictions. In Natal astrology, it is used for understanding Nakshatra based dashas for planetary placement & giving General characteristics traits how different planets behaves over different Nakashtras dashas.

Majorly it is meant for understanding transits orientation over Natal chart
Feb 20, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Ketu Represents - Ayurveda & Herbal treatment, Rahul Represents - Modern Medicine ( Allopathy) & treatment related to that.

Saturn shows Traditional way treatment & therapies so accordingly availability of an affliction in chart one has to follow Way of treatment. Venus shows healing via tantra & Mantra & alternative Therapies like Rieki, Chakra etc

whereas Sun shows Getting Healed in two way for soul & Via a good vaidya Or doctor - here native need to follows both Spiritual as well as instructions of Vaidya to heal Mind, body & Soul.
Feb 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Little creative presentation dedicated to Divine Shiva & Parvati

Shiv he Sataya, Shiv he Braham, Shiva he Tathya, Shiv he Brahmand, Shiv he adi-Guru, Shiv he Akhand, Shiv he Shakti- Shiv he shiv. करपूर गौरम करूणावतारम संसार सारम भुजगेन्द्र हारम |
सदा वसंतम हृदयारविंदे भवम भवानी सहितं नमामि |

Meaning -

I salute the merciful Bhava (i.e. Shiva), and his consort Sati, Adorned with the necklace of the serpent.
Jan 28, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
#Comets, #Vedic Astronomy & Medini

Impact of upcoming #greencomet (Kethu) on earth atmosphere ( based on Brihat Samhita) after 50,000 years

According to Ancient seers research there are 22 types of comets originated from the earth atmosphere & they have different shapes, sizes mostly in round in shape. having rays luminious like water or oil. Whenever they have appeared in the sky they gives arise famine, War, drought or sometime heavy Rainfall. Some of appearances gives only heavy rainfall & brings atmospheric changes on earth.
Jan 25, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Why men cry and women superfly After Marriage in #Astrology

This is tried n tested formula seeing it from last 18 years on married people. So do not ignore the power of venus - women: she is unbeatable, mark my word, either replace your rigid hardisk or upgrade your Ram Image but you have to upgrade, no chance you can spare from it. ;)

As Per saying it has been said that after getting marriage man has to change and it will happen for sure and no one can get from the clinch of women after entering into marriage bond.
Jan 25, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Belief System in #astrology

You will meet Two category of people when they approach you for chart reading : Believers & Non Believers.

Problem with Non believer is they are those people who always Put question mark on jyotish & Spirituality in their early stage when they have strong scientific & Materialistic Temperament but after getting Divine Punishment in their Rahu/Ketu & Saturn transit they started believing that Astrology works, God is there and there is something called Spirituality in universe.
Jan 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Curses are most important & mysterious topic in #vedicastrology to decode & mentioned of these are widely seen in BPHS,Prashana Marg & many other Prashna Manuscripts.

As per Basic fundamentals of Past life karmic issues & Curses are Broadly connected with malefic planets. Conjunction, Aspect & PapaKrati yoga of Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu with Beneficial planet shows the level, intensity & Problem area one is experiencing in his life.
Nov 2, 2022 28 tweets 6 min read
The Cosmic Clock – How #planets and #Remedies work

Many people used to ask me how planets having huge mass and distance of millions of light years from earth impacting our life infinitely that one cannot have any choice to change his life actions or course of the journey in any way. It’s a point to think and one needs a deep understanding of Spiritual sciences for the answers to all these questions? i.e How physical bodies have a deep impact on our Karma, on our life actions and decision making ?,
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Within 2 days of #marsretrograde and #Stationary motion we have seen two incidents, first it was #KoreaStampede then #MorbiBridge collapse yesterday.

In both incidents Mars was in close influence under Moon, & Further Venus & sun moving closer toward South node ketu. Image An interesting point in both incidents is people were Roming out for some light chill out that can be seen clearly via close association of Venus, sun & mercury in libra ( Gathering place) having 10th aspect of Saturn.

Mars/Sat 6th/8th relationship also was there.