Equivest ⚒️💎 Profile picture
Exploration Geologist | Portfolio Manager | Exploration Geek | #nickel #copper #lithium #ree #uranium #TSX #ASX

Oct 21, 2022, 11 tweets

Most of remaining global #copper "yet to find" resources are estimated to be in sedimentary copper deposits.

Major sedimentary copper deposits occur on 170km lithosphere thickness boundary🌎👀

Nature likes order 📏

Why does it happen?

How can you use it as an investor?

Below paper summarised for non geos 👇

I read it so you do not have to.

3/x Before we dive in, you need to know what is "lithosphere" .

Part of crust and upper mantle - the harder outer shell of planet earth.

Thickness can vary from few kms to 400km depending on the place on earth.

4/x Also what are sedimentary copper deposits?

They form in rift basins as metal rich fluids circulate and come in contact with reducing rocks (shales, evaporates) they precipitate often large tonnage and high grade deposits of Cu, Zn-Pb.

5/x So let's look now at this 170km lithosphere thickness that appears to be important control. 🧐

Globally, sedimentary deposits of Cu, Zn-Pb occur within 200km corridor surrounding 170km thick lithosphere contour.

Map of Australia below shows the contour representing 170km thick lithosphere (dashed line).

White colours c. 170km thick lithosphere. Check colour bar.

Notice how the sedimentary deposits follow that dashed line and the white contour!

Especially the big deposits.

This rule applies to
95% Cu and 90% Zn-Pb deposits that are sediment hosted.

This eleminates some land for exploration!

Okay, so there are exceptions...

All >10 Mt total metal contained sediment-hosted deposits are located along this boundary.

In my rule book, I am interested in Tier 1 deposits ✅

So how can you use it as an investor?

The map with white contour of 170km shown on global scale is below. Quite remarkable occurrence of major sedimentary deposits of Cu, Zn-Pb.

Add it to your investment checklist or exploration tool kit ✅

If this was helpful please comment below ⬇️

If you are explorers and you already have it in your tool kit let us know ⬇️

I will add explanation on "why" this 170km thickness may be important during the weekend.

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