Kathali Profile picture

Oct 22, 2022, 9 tweets

How to Attract Your Ideal Audience on Twitter

The 4. tip is widely unknown. A true secret.

(Not clickbait)

Before attracting ask yourself these questions to define your right following:

•What industry do they work in?
•What social media do they use?
•Demographics (age, income, gender,...)?
•What challenges do they battle?
•Can your product/service help them?

Done. Let's start!

🔹️1. Handle and Name

Adding keywords related to your niche to your:

Twitter Handle like @startupdaemon

or your Name like @CreatingAf

Not only do visitors know what you are about from the get-go, but the Twitter algorithm will also suggest you to the right people.

🔹️ 2. Better than #Hashtags

Hashtags are almost cringe by now. They are used for big events and that's fine.

Instead: Use keywords frequently in your Tweets! It's your SEO for Twitter.

The algorithm searches for clues to categorise you!

Look how @ApprovedSide ace it.

🔹️ 3. Bio and Header

You guessed it right.

The bio and header are the places you can showcase:

• Who are your dream clients?
• What do you do for them?
• How you help them?

and more!

@andretopini did a great job here!

🔹️ 4. The (unknown) ALT text!

By uploading pics to your tweets (as you should do regularly because humans are visual) you get the option to add an ALT text.

It's mainly for the visually impaired folks.

Add a description full of niche keywords here to make the algo love you.

🔹️ 5. Comment on Influencers

Your ideal audience sits in the comments of big Twitter accounts in your niche.

Attract them by commenting and interacting.

Be present and more and more 👀 will notice you, click your beautiful picture and hop on your account.

Get them!

🔹️ Recap:

The key is keywords! 🔑

Infuse everything with them:

• Name and handle
• Tweets
• Bio and header
• ALT text
• show up in comments all the time

Help the Twitter algorithm to understand what you are about and it will send you your ideal audience! ✨️

Bookmark 🔖 this for later reference!

Thank you for reading!

Follow me @Hannibal_Stone for daily Twitter tips and strategies.

Like and retweet the first tweet to help it reach more people!

Have a nice Tweet.

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