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Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Oct 23, 2022, 13 tweets

How do yantras work in astrology?

I can not prove but I can theorize what I understood from some readings of the past.

Before going into the link between the two, one needs to know what a Yantra is. Let us begin there.

Take a DAY for example; as such it has no divisions like hours or minutes, they exist in our minds - regularizes our routine, form a biological & psychological clock ruling all aspects - reproduction, cardiac beats, a work day etc., creating a structure.

Time division is one aspect, space another. There's truly no division in space, yet we build houses, mark boundaries - mere sections of space that divide space in our minds giving it a
structure, ensuring people don't trespass others' “personal spaces”.

These divisions of space & time help mankind in organised living. This division is a YANTRA. Such YANTRA or manual division of an aspect is fine tuned to an aspect of LIFE in a deity's name - Kāḷi, Śiva, Kubēr etc., they form specific Yantras - focused version.

How are these Yantras comprehended? How do we comprehend time? Via CLOCK (geometry of time). How do we comprehend space division? Via Boundaries ( geometry of space). Similarly, to comprehend other aspects of LIFE or conscious existence, one needs similar tools.

A drawing on a 2-D plane or a 3-D construction of a solid object, which is also coincidentally called a YANTRA, helps the person to comprehend the geometric divisions of the “aspect” related to the design of YANTRA.

What is the link to astrology? Astrology is not the art of predictions, but the art to study the spiral of evolution. Astrology, in crude terms, mainly has three elements:

Stellar objects
Life on it

The motion of stellar objects & their periodicities form TIME-divisions. For example, the notion of 60 seconds & 60 minutes comes from LCM (least common multiple) Saturn’s (30 years) & Jupiter’s (12 yrs) periodic revolution as seen from Earth.

Similarly, their apparent projection on Earth i.e., “as seen from Earth”, which changes from place to place causes a SPACE-division. These two form a matrix of the DIVISION of LIFE which is theorized to rule the life on Earth, by the said stellar objects.

These divisions when interfaced to human comprehension become the many discovered YANTRAS (geometrical patterns) and associated MANTRAS (Periodic vocal utterances).

For example, Gāyatri mantra (or Sāvitri mantra) - having 24 syllables has direct link to SUN which divides the DAY on Earth into 24 hrs. Similarly, other mantras and planets. Same with Yantra associated with Mantras/stellar objects.

Credit: Dr Tejaswi Nisanth

For Yantras customized to your birth chart & life situation, connect with me via DM or visit

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