Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 23, 2022, 6 tweets

Mexico's West coast is preparing for the landfall of Major #HurricaneRoslyn in coming hours. A Code Red maximum warning has been issued in Puerto Vallarta a tourist resort town south of the landfall location of the center of the hurricane.…

The forecast path of the hurricane is similar in relation to the coast line to that of #HurricaneIan, and #Roslyn is of simlar strength.

#Roslyn will cause significant storm surge to its East as it travels up the coast, blowing water ashore along a 462km stretch of coastline.

Puerto Vallarta is not the only coastal town in its path and, not the most vulnerable. These three towns are closer to the landfall point which is over a low lying flood plain.

Here is a satellite picture of Puerto Vallarta which is a little protected by a prominatory to its south west.

This satellite image over lays the expected track line over the coast line where #Rosyln is expected to come ashore over an Estuary.

The second image shows the rough path of what are still are forecast to be hurricane strength winds inland.

Like #Ian there are low lying coastal estuary's in the path of the hurricane which will experience significant storm surge. This one is NE of the track line and may experience a little less. The flood plain to the right however will receive hurricane rain & wind impacts.

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