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Oct 23, 2022, 14 tweets

The viral abortion horror story in Missouri raises many 🚩 red flags 🚩 that should make us all ask questions. Here are some of mine.… @glennbeck @TuckerCarlson @michellemalkin @NickBSchroer @AGEricSchmitt

🚩 @szuchsm claims in her article that Missouri law would not allow Mylissa Farmer to get an abortion at 17 weeks after her water broke and her baby was terminal and Farmer was in danger of severe complications and even death. Not once did Szuch quote the law in MO.

🚩 The law is clear. Farmer meets every criteria. Her baby was terminal, she was at risk of dying or major complication, and the law covered her situation. But this is how @szuchsm described it. She provided no context with the language of the law that DOES have exceptions.

🚩 Farmer describes herself as a "pro-life Christian" but her social media accounts belie that claim. She attacks Eric Schmitt as a "fascist" belongs to anti-conservative group on FB and mocks Christians.

🚩 In one post, Farmer says she believes in no religion.

🚩 Farmer's Twitter account has nothing but Democrat blue-checked followers. The people Farmer is following or follows her are all elected Dems in MO or Dem operatives. One, Alex Whitt, is followed by Hillary Clinton herself.

🚩 The incident allegedly happened in August. The story didn't drop until two weeks before the election in Oct and right after, Farmer cut an ad for Eric Schmitt's opponent. #OctoberSurprise

🚩 Whether or not this incident happened is not verifiable. HIPPA prevents the hospital from being able to talk about it at all.

🚩 Which media company broke this story? Gannett Corp. Same one that made the Ohio rape story go viral leaving out any reporting on the rapist who wasn't arrested until after we asked questions. He was an illegal alien.…

🚩 Gannett Corp reporters also did not talk to any Republican legislators or even the AG in Ohio to verify if the child had to seek an abortion out of state. She didn't. The law would have covered her. The same is true of this Missouri story. Why didn't they call @NickBSchroer?

🚩 I did. Schroer is the author of the bill. "I have no idea what practitioner would just toss their hands up and hypothetically let a woman die when we have protections in place in the law that everyone, even the Governor, myself, and the AG reiterated time and time again."

🚩 This is the exact same playbook used in Ohio. Find an outrageous situation, wrongfully claim the abortion law would not allow a solution, send someone over state lines for an abortion, then make political hay over it to damage Republicans.

🚩 They've even already added Farmer's story to their pro-abortion propaganda website…

Read my full report on @PJMedia_com here 🔥 🔥 🔥…

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