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We expose the far-right of Miami & South FL. Covered by NYT, The Guardian, Daily Beast, Miami Herald & more. 📧Email:

Oct 25, 2022, 10 tweets

How are Miami’s far-right reacting to Rubio canvasser, RNC staffer & white supremacist Christopher Monzon’s beating in Hialeah?

Always infighting of course. Here’s Miami QAnon figure Isabella Rodriguez blaming @MiamiDadeGOP for having “no backbone.” #RedPillBabe 1/

Speaking of no loyalty among thieves, here’s Miami Proud Boy, J6 insurrectionist and @MiamiDadeGOP executive member Chris Barcenas openly talking about recruiting to the REC.

“King of the normies” … more like prince of the incels with receding hairlines. 🥴😂 2/

The “Group Guardian” account in the chat is of course another Proud Boy who uses the name “Alex Gonzalez.”

He’s a long time Proud Boy who appeared in the Vice documentary on them. 3/

More recently “Alex” appeared with the Miami Proud Boys at Cuba solidarity protests looking like he climbed out of a cave. 😂

And in case you’re wondering, yes, that’s Enrique Tarrio first bumping Miami PB in the 2nd pic. 4/

“It’s all Joe Biden and Antifa’s fault!!” Lol.

Proud Boy clowns thrusting to show their ugly faces in Miami Lakes sometime soon. Now we know who to look for. 👀


UPDATE: Miami Proud Boy “Alex Gonzalez” is now admitting to our ID of his telegram account commenting in the chat group of Miami QAnon figure Isabella Rodriguez aka #RedPillBabe

“Alex Gonzalez” appears in this Proud Boy group pic circa 2018 as the last one squatted on the right. To his left is his buddy Jomar “Jojo” Valdes. 📸

Lots of overlaps between Miami Proud Boy “Alex Gonzalez,” former leader + federal informant Enrique Tarrio along with Tarrio’s mentor and Jan 6 figure, Roger Stone.

We’ll let you connect the dots yourselves!

Looks like Miami Proud Boy “Alex Gonzalez” has really let himself go. Must be going for the Ted Kaczynski vibe these days. 🥴

This is a better pic of him holding that banner during Miami-Cuba solidarity protests in 2021.

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