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I wrote a 19 page essay on why I stand with Amber Heard & I’m making it into a tiktok series (link in bio). I stand with you @realamberheard 💜

Oct 25, 2022, 5 tweets

(Ongoing) Thread🧵 of paparazzi saying disgusting things to Amber in 2016. The public was never on her side

1. Amber leaving the courthouse after getting her DVRO.
“Did Johnny give you that bruise on your face? Did Johnny beat you up?
Did Johnny brutalize you?”

2. June 8, 2016
Amber leaving Dr. Cowan’s office (therapist)

Paparazzi - “Amber is it true that you’re lying to the public about the abuse?”

Amber - “how do you sleep at night?”


3. June 22, 2016
Amber arriving at the LAX airport

“Amber have you recovered from all the beatings?”


4. August 12, 2016
Amber at the LAX airport again

“Amber are you afraid of getting beat up by Johnny at the deposition?”


July 2020: UK trial

Keep in mind, this thread so far is before there was any judgement made against Johnny. This is what we mean when we say that people were never on her side.

“You’re a piece of human garbage. Get hit by a truck Amber”

And a sign saying “ditch the witch”

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