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Oct 26, 2022, 18 tweets


“Mr. Blevin.”


“I sense something eager in you this morning. Am I mistaken?”

“No, sir. And at risk of repetition, you are correct.”

“Good news, is it?”

“I’m afraid not. I wish to lodge a charge against a fellow supervisor.”


“I believe our Sector Protocols, as described in the ISB Code Of Conduct, are being violated by Supervisor Meero, and that this overreach, for which she was previously reprimanded, risks compromising Imperial safety to a degree that silence is no longer possible.”

“You think this forum appropriate?”

“I do.”

“It’s a serious charge.”

“I believe you’ll share my sense of urgency.”

“Supervisor Meero, do you mind having your integrity ventilated in public?”

“No, sir. Supervisor Blevin obviously finds my conduct a more interesting subject than the advancement of Integrated Imperial Security. He’s put a lot into it, I’m curious to hear his insights.”

“This is Ferrix, is it not?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Your sector. There was an unusual piece of Naval equipment recovered. Meero wanted your crime reports.”

“You determined her request was out of order and in violation of the chain of command.”

“That’s not accurate. You advised me to reinforce my suspicions with data and to be careful in my work going forward.”

“Careful? Is that your defense? You’ve been ‘careful’?…”

“…I’d be curious how many people at this table will think it ‘careful’ that you’ve found a way to access our sector data without ever filing a request.”

“Is that true, Dedra?”

“Yes. I used the Imperial Emergency Act in the wake of Aldhani to gather data across multiple sectors without official sanction. But that is the wrong question…”

“…I’d like to know if anyone here believes the Rebellion plans its actions around the artificially constructed boundaries of our sectors.”

“Major Partagaz created those sectors.”

“As organizing principles, not personal playthings. Do you really think the rebels care about the lines we draw on maps?”

“You think the relevance of my work has been supplanted?”

“Systems either change or die… Sir.”

“Thesis, please.”

“There is a focused, organized rebel effort to acquire highly-restricted Imperial military components.”

“Your evidence?”

“By accessing unfiltered Sector Crime Reports I can now prove a link between the theft of our most secret equipment and its distribution to rebels groups across the galaxy.”

“This is hard, verifiable data you are prepared to present?”

“Yes, sir…”

“…I believe Supervisor Blevin is aware I have a documented file ready to go. I believe his accusations here this morning have more to do with self-preservation than any sense of urgency.”

“What’s more urgent than a renegade intelligence officer? Imagine if everyone in this room played as loose with the rules as you.”

“Excellent suggestion, Blevin…”

“…I’m wondering where we’d be right now if everyone here showed the same endeavor as Supervisor Meero. I’ll have to think about that. For the moment, I’m reassigning the Morlana sector to Supervisor Meero…”

“…Ferrix is of great interest to her and has clearly become a distraction for you. I see no urgent problem, but as always I salute the provocative exchange of ideas. Supervisor Grandi, you will accelerate your schedule. Jung, I will expect your report on Ord Mantell tomorrow…”

“Thank you all for the lively session. Dedra, if you’d walk with me a moment.”


“Thank you, sir.”

“Watch your back.”

— Partagaz, Blevin, Dedra Meero & Lagret

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