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Writer/Director. Kinda funny. @CanusaStreet. Pr: Buzzfeed, Kids Tonight, Tonight Show, SNL, LNSM. @TelevisionAcad Student Emmy. @ColumbiaFilm MFA. Rutgers alum.

Oct 26, 2022, 13 tweets

Ok here’s a mini-thread on Man Of Steel just cause I’m watching it tonight, plus Henry Cavil is back and James Gunn is running DC. #ZacksMovieClub

Here are the 8 Sequences for Man Of Steel.

Sequence 1: The Destruction of Krypton. We get a high-genre scifi epic reintroducing us to Kal-El as an alien from another world. Fantastic performance from Russell Crowe setting the tone for the entire story.

Sequence 2: Clark on the run. We meet Henry Cavil and learn he’s living a life of solitude, despite wanting to help whenever/wherever he can. A perfect character introduction to someone we both know and yet are meeting for the first time. Save the Cat? How about Save the Oil Rig?

Sequence 3: Lois & Clark in the Fortress of Solitude.

We meet Lois, ever the driven reporter, who discovers the Kryptonian ship the same time Clark does. Clark trains to become the symbol of hope Jor-El AND Jonnathan think he can be.

The fun & games—we see Clark fly.

Sequence 4: Clark & Martha

We learn how Jonnathan dies (albeit less poignant as a heart attack—the one thing Clark can’t save him from). This inspires Clark to follow the lessons of his father and stay rooted in humanity.

The false victory. The calm before the storm.

The Midpoint. Zod Arrives.

You are not alone.

Sequence 6: Kal surrenders to Zod.

The bad guy gets the upper hand as Clark agrees to the military’s demands and surrenders himself to Zod. It’s the true introduction of the villain, along with and entire new set of stakes for Clark, Lois, and Earth. The next level, if you will.

Sequence 7: The World Engine

Clark and Lois escape, but not before Zod launches the World Engine to begin terraforming Earth into a New Krypton. The third act begins with the Final Boss revealing itself, and Clark has to save the world, testing everything he learned so far.

Sequence 8: Superman vs Zod

The final showdown, the climax of the third act, our protagonist and antagonist finally go at it. This is the reason the MCU decided to start addressing the aftermath of city-wide destruction.

Bonus point to Snyder for sneaking in this hilarious joke that only lasts a few frames. Took me forever to freeze my Blu-ray player. But hot damn this is classic good comedy!!

Coda. Superman accepts his calling as Earth’s protector, and he begins his life as a reporter for The Daily Planet. Lois’s final line, “welcome to the Planet” has a double meaning: literally, but also on behalf of humanity, Superman is accepted into our hearts.

Thats it for now. Tune in Friday for a full thread breakdown and discussion of Bedknobs and Broomsticks just in time for Halloween! Angela Lansbury fighting Nazis set to Sherman Brothers showtunes? Sign me up. Follow along at #ZacksMovieClub around 11 ET after #PipelineWriters.

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