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Oct 26, 2022, 19 tweets

SitRep - 26/10 - "Kadyrov is unhappy"

A daily overview of events in Ukraine. With a special look at the area around Kreminna, Kupyansk and Svatove. In addition, the AFU was active today with targeted attacks on concentrations of Russian personnel and equipment.


Russian losses per 26/10. We see a very sharp uptake in lost tanks and (armored) vehicles. Which makes sense given all the trophy footage that came out recent days.

The AFU shot down a Ka-52 attack helicopter in the south around 4pm.

According to reports, as a result of AFU artillery strikes, an ammunition warehouse and more than 10 "Kadyrovites" were destroyed in Novoivanivka, Luhansk region.

Tropies left or captured also appeared today.

Now let's highlight general events:

We start with an assasination in Iran. One of the commanders responsible for Iran's kamikaze drone export to Russia was killed.

In Kherson a building hosting a propaganda TV company was targetted by Ukraine. It was known that in the basement, the FSB was active.

Also, the situation in #Kherson is getting even worse. There are reports that expensive equipment for radiation therapy was taken from the oncology hospital by Russians. We are trying to verify and get more clarification on this story.

There was news about the NASAMS being delivered to Ukraine..

In Litomerice, Czech Republic someone repainted the pedestal of a monument to the red army. They made a washing machine out of it and symbolized blood on top of the statue itself.

Another exchange of prisoners took place. Ukraine returned 10 soldiers - an officer and 9 privates and sergeants.

Ukraine was also handed over the body of an American volunteer, US Army veteran Joshua Alan Jones, who fought for Ukraine.

RIP Joshua.

Israeli media reported on the transfer of Smart Shooter complexes installed on UAVs to Ukraine to combat Iranian drones

Australia keeps doing their job. Thank you Aussies!

In Russia, partisan groups keep disabling the main railway line to prevent logistics to Ukraine.

Big hit by the AFU in Shakhtars'k, east of Donetsk City. A large column of fuel tanks was hit near the railway station.

To the fronts, #Kupyansk-#Svatove:

➡️AFU captured a group of Russian soldiers in Myasozharivka
➡️There were reports about Petropavlivka being liberated. This is not new(s). The town is liberated for a while already. Just visually (extra) confirmed.
➡️AFU is 4KM from #Svatove


➡️There are unconfirmed reports that Russia has evacuated its forces from the western part of Lysyschansk (white dashed area) to an unknown location
➡️Locals in #Rubizhne reported loud noise (likely artillery) in the city now and claim this was also the case overnight

➡️Russia tried to counter attack from Chervonopopivka to Terny but retreated
➡️Weather conditions are bad, lots of rain. Stalling the frontline for at least 1-2 days. We have seen even Ukrainian armored vehicles get stuck in the mud
➡️AFU increase artillery fire in the area

That's all today. If you like my reporting and mapping you can support me via

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Cheers and stay safe,
NOËL 🔥🇺🇦

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