Stephen Miller Profile picture
Director of Delivery and Impact @peoplesbiz | Trustee @chew_uk @SaveOurShulMar1 | Blogger: | #frsa | All views my own.

Oct 27, 2022, 9 tweets

๐ŸŒŠ 17 murals have popped up around #margate highlighting the impact of pollution on our seas, in a campaign by @CleanRise

This one by Nuno Viegas is my favourite, & represents how hermit crabs occasionally make their homes in plastic items. ๐Ÿงต

And this one by Smug shows a native grey seal caught in a six-pack drink pull.

This mural by Doudou highlights a leatherback turtle confusing a plastic bag for a jellyfish. Evidence suggests all turtles worldwide have some plastic in their guts.

This is the Greek goddess of the seas, Amphirite. In the blurb for the piece the artists Nomad Clan highlight how by 2050, 90% of all coral will have been wiped out. They ask how humans have trashed the sea we once so revered.

This mural by Dreph shows the sea slowly rising as children play on thr beach, and asks whether it is fair to ask the next generation to deal with this scenario.

The Four Seahorses of the Apocolpyse by Curtis Hylton. They represent water acidity, rising temperatures, pollution and overfishing.

This by David Shillinglaw is intended to remind passers by of how water companies are allowed to pollute our seas with raw sewage.

And this by Lily Mixe highlights the importance of coral to the ocean ecosystem, which are often overlooked and misunderstood.

There are still more I haven't seen, so will add to this thread as I do. They have brought much needed colour to the streets.

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