European Network on Statelessness Profile picture
Committed to ending #statelessness & ensuring that people living in Europe without a nationality are protected.

Oct 27, 2022, 14 tweets

Big smiles on the ENS assembly line getting ready for the launch of our #StatelessJourneys campaign here in Brussels today! 😃

Looking forward to seeing many of you soon to talk about how we can ensure proper protection for stateless refugees!

Folks are starting to arrive! Possibly most excited to welcome members of our stateless change-makers network!

These awesome activists are here so EU decision makers can hear their perspectives on what needs to change for stateless people to thrive in Europe!

And we’re also delighted to welcome @GillianTriggs Assistant Secretary General & Assistant High Commissioner for Protection at the UN refugee agency - here kindly giving us an interview about protecting stateless refugees making #StatelessJourneys into Europe

And we’re off!
Our brilliant Director, Chris, launching our event and recognising the incredible 🥳10 years🎈 that we at ENS have been working with our members across Europe to protect & promote the rights of stateless people! #StatelessJourneys

We’ll keep giving some live updates here, but you can also watch along on the livestream linked below, and tweet us to let us know what you think 🙂 #StatelessJourneys

Our first panel: Christiana, ENS member & founder of @statefree_world, UNHCR’s @GillianTriggs, @AAlonsoMarcos permanent representative to the EU from Spain, & @estherpozovera from the EU Commission.

“To end statelessness is doable, in fact it’s an easy thing to do” says Gillian.

Christiana talking about her experience of working to support stateless activists to build community & resolve their situation in Germany, where there are estimated to be over 120,000 stateless people, but there is no procedure to recognise statelessness so the cycle continues.

Upcoming Spanish presidency of @EUCouncil is a great opportunity to raise the profile of statelessness. @AAlonsoMarcos recognises the political moment in Europe is not the easiest, but says we can count on SP to agitate & promote the issues of the #StatelessJourneys campaign 🇪🇸😍

Our brilliant member from Ukraine @KordonetsSofiia raises struggle for stateless people, born or who lived decades in Ukraine without access to a nationality, fleeing the Russian invasion & cannot prove link to Ukraine so face barriers to protection in the EU #StatelessJourneys

🎺🎺 Welcome our brilliant second panel! Moderated by @LynnAlKhatib2 & our Tamara, with @paliomr, @RoSirazulIslam, Aleksandra Semeriak & @KordonetsSofiia.

Opening a conversation about how to ensure the views of stateless people can inform the development of laws & policies.

“Statelessness is hard to relate to: Nationality is something people take for granted. But from a young age I was taught about this thing that I lacked.

Nationality is our creation, but stateless people are caught out by it, in exile everywhere.”

Aleksejs from @ApatrideNetwork

To end this session, we’re asking participants to write down one commitment they are making for an action to take in their work to support the fight against statelessness.
On a postcard that they will send to themselves (cute, yes, but also hopefully implying very real action 😅)

Finally, the man, the legend, the chair of our board Allan Leas, celebrating the tenth anniversary of our network and introducing a film featuring many of our members, founders and vital supporters over the years, who have helped put statelessness onto the agenda in Europe!

Too many amazing members to tag here, speak about their work with us on statelessness over the last decade in this video 🥰
@FAR_BG @FundacionCepaim @NvoPhirenAmenca @institute_si @hhc_helsinki @AIRECentre @Refugees @TiranaLegalAid @EURightsAgency & more

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