Committed to ending #statelessness & ensuring that people living in Europe without a nationality are protected.
Nov 10, 2022 • 16 tweets • 15 min read
We’re marking our 10th anniversary this year! 🥳
It’s hard to capture the last ten years in a Twitter thread, but here goes nothing... Our journey in 15 tweets. 👇🧵
It’s 10 years since a group of 6 orgs came together to establish ENS.
A decade later we now have 170+ members in 41 countries.
We also have hundreds of partners & thousands of supporters who are all part of our journey seeking to end
Nov 8, 2022 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
The second panel of our #StatelessJourneys event highlighted the perspectives of stateless changemakers and community activists. We are incredibly grateful for their honest accounts of the issue and insights on how to instigate positive change at the grassroots.
.@LynnAlKhatib2 co-facilitated the discussion, focusing on how do we get to a place where policy makers talk and listen to stateless people and communities affected by statelessness.
Nov 8, 2022 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
We’re hugely grateful to all of our wonderful speakers from last week’s #StatelessJourneys campaign launch. Thank you for supporting this work and for demonstrating your commitment to fix protection gaps for #stateless refugees in Europe.
Hear from each of them below. 🧵
The first panel brough together high-level representatives and officials from European institutions to discuss why Europe must act now to better protect stateless refugees.
Oct 27, 2022 • 14 tweets • 11 min read
Big smiles on the ENS assembly line getting ready for the launch of our #StatelessJourneys campaign here in Brussels today! 😃
Looking forward to seeing many of you soon to talk about how we can ensure proper protection for stateless refugees!
Folks are starting to arrive! Possibly most excited to welcome members of our stateless change-makers network!
These awesome activists are here so EU decision makers can hear their perspectives on what needs to change for stateless people to thrive in Europe!
🧵[THREAD] Main concerns raised by our Ukrainian member @R2Protection [1/9]
Number of #stateless people prior to conflict was relatively high.
Low estimate puts it at 35,000, but likely much higher including those at risk of statelessness due to lack of documents: eg. 40-80,000 Roma, large % of children born in Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk. [2/9]