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Pronoun: He/Him Lev Dev IT Pinfluencer Part Time Content Creator Youtube/Twitch: LevDev pgdjordan@gmail.com j.hanson.45@hotmail.com

Oct 27, 2022, 24 tweets

Well, time for first look reviews of cards from the upcoming #MTGBRO set & new cards from commander decks.

Some clarifications before we start:
This is just a first look take on the card. A cards powerlevel can change throughout time.
This is subjective. This is my take on the cards. I will sometimes be optimistic to very unique cards, so keep that in mind.

First off, let's get an easy one out of the way, the rest of the painland cycle. Overall, solid lands for standard that will help multicolor decks out. Can also use to splash a color in some deck designs. Great cards overall. (8/10)

A 3 mana 1/3 with vigilance is pretty decent. Can be on the defensive and then loot which can with other discard outlets become a source to create powerstones, once that can be used to activate the loot ability. Card good, but, not amazing. (7/10)

I mean, lords are always something to keep an eye on (note this buffs vehicles too). Also while the mana cost for the acivated ability is steep, it can be strong with the right powerful artifacts which seems were getting a "couple" in the set. Great card. (8/10)

Yet again, looking at this card. Being a Goblin Electromancer that also effects artifacts is strong. If we look at the card by itself and not the activated ability (were get to that). Decent stats with a strong effect. That a (8/10)

I mean, while powerstone mana is restrictive...in the deck you be playing this, it probably will not be. Even being a conditional mana rock, the etb effect is versatile which makes this a pretty good card, especially if you can flicker it. (8.5/10)

If you can get both cards on the battlefield, and activate Urza's ability, you get this card.
Now to be frank...this card is rather very silly. All the abilities are relevant and can impact board/resources. Also the fact you can activate it twice is rather silly.

This "card" by itself is a solid 9/10. But the trick will be getting both other cards on the battlefield to meld with it...with that...I think I give this around a 8/10 but if you can flip it consistently, its like around a 9.5/10.

This card is probably better then I give it credit for. The rummage effect potentially at instant speed when you cast it is nice, and that discard ability is strong, but....that 2/1 stat....I don't know. Were see. (6.5/10)

Now this card...this card is the bee's knee's.
For standard, that ward effect is rather silly until you get to a mirror match and granting ya artifacts in the graveyard unearth is no joke. Some will try to make this work in standard because....yeah. (9/10)

A pretty strong card. Stats are decent and the attack effect can do a significant life swing in the right deck. Keep an eye on this. (8.5/10)

Now this card is very good. A 3 mana bear with doublstrike that can go in any decks is nothing to sneeze at. Also, that etb trigger if you can reanimate it is pretty great. Unearth helps with that. Keep an eye on this. (8.5/10)

If you can meet the condition and meld this...this card is rather silly. A strong and versatile etb & ATTACK trigger. Can effect the board state very pretty cleanly. Also, this one in theory is going to not be that hard to flip...so...(9/10)

This card...is rather silly. A 3 mana with those keywords is great and if you can cast it (or flicker) to it 7 mana counterpart...I am not going to say it win the game...but it's close. (9.5/10)

So...an Edric that has a very strong late game activated ability....that can also die to a lightning strike.....it's a strong card...but...not sure about standard. Commander on the other hand...yup. (8.5/10)

ok, the flavor of this card is pretty cool. Is the card good? Honestly...not sure...depends on how many legendary artifact with a nice sac we get but by itself...it's a semi conditional ramp spell....I am probably going to regret rating it this but...(6/10)

Its a Teferi that gets strong by drawing cards....which in standard and other formats you can do quite easily. Can protect itself and the ultimate is back breaking. Very strong card. (9.5/10)

Sneakily good card. Semi card draw and reward you for playing instant/sorceries/enchantments/artifacts. In multi spell type deck designs, this can potentially draw around 2-4 cards. Not bad at all. (8/10)

It's probably not going to replace cemetery trespasser anytime soon, but, I can see some decks trying this due to it being a artifact creature. (7/10)

Savahnah lions that has a mana sink card draw effect. Not bad. Not bad at all. (8/10)

A pretty strong 2 drop. Those stats are nice and the mana sink abilities are strong and can deal quite a bit of damage...and card draw. I be very curious how much play this card could see. (8.5/10)
P.S. This with the Rare Urza seems rather silly.

I am still really optimistic on this card. If it can find the right deck...that activated ability is very silly. Can't wait to brew around this. (9/10)

It's a man land. Control decks and midrange decks will like this. Will it replace the hole from the Dungeon Module man lands of past? No, but it's still pretty good. (8.5/10)

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