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Oct 27, 2022, 7 tweets

This is an update for October 27th. #ukrdailyupdate

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This will probably be short, not much happened.

In the Kupyansk/Svatove area, Ukraine performed a few minor attacks and both sides fired some artillery. Ukrainian artillery focused on the northern side, Russian on the southern side.

Of note in this area, Popivka (near Svatove, too small to have a name at this level of zoom) has taken heavy damage from Ukrainian (and Russian) shelling. Locals fled the town, and report large Russian losses. Several dozen dead.

In the Siversk area, Russia tried to break through the Ukrainian lines near Bilohorivka. They failed to do so.

Russia attacked all the standard areas in the Bakhmut area.

Russia attacked west from Donetsk. Especially Nevelske (I drew white box around it), which is a very small town. The town has been completely destroyed by artillery.

In the south, Ukraine attacked Kostyantynivka and Pyatykhatky without any changes.

No attack anywhere today, Ukrainian or Russian, had any notable success to my knowledge.

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