Scientist Rebellion Profile picture
Scientists & academics willing to tell the truth about the climate emergency and act accordingly. Join us in civil disobedience! #UniteAgainstClimateFailure

Oct 30, 2022, 5 tweets

12 scientists are held in prison for a non-violent climate protest in Germany. The judge has decided they'll remain in custody for up to a week.

There is something they want you to hear. Follow the thread for their testimonies. #UniteAgainstClimateFailure #ScienceInJail (1/n)

Marta, History and Arts, "We are on the edge of ecological collapse, we cannot continue with our life as if nothing happened. It is our moral duty to rebel. Join us."

#UniteAgainstClimateFailure #LevelWithUs #ScienceInJail (2/n)

Agisilaos Koulouris, Human Physiology and Chemistry, "I am doing this because I am scared, but also because of love. Love for the people around me, and for the world that we can create. We need to act now."

#UniteAgainstClimateFailure #LevelWithUs #ScienceInJail (3/n)

Lorenzo Masini, Plant Biotechnologies, "I am a life scientist, I love nature, and I love life. I invite you all to act together, because this is our planet, and these are our lives."

#UniteAgainstClimateFailure #LevelWithUs #ScienceInJail (4/n)

Angelo Aiello, Environmental Sciences, "The scientific community and the UN are clear. Still our corrupt governments won't take action on the climate crisis. That's why we need to escalate."

#UniteAgainstClimateFailure #LevelWithUs #ScienceInJail (5/n)

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