Scientist Rebellion Profile picture
Scientists & academics willing to tell the truth about the climate emergency and act accordingly. Join us in civil disobedience! #UniteAgainstClimateFailure
Cai Stark ☭ Profile picture Robert MacDiarmid Profile picture Luc Deneire Profile picture Michelle Adams Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jul 12 8 tweets 2 min read
Lancet report confirms what Palestinian voices have always said: this is a genocide.
On July 5th, 2024 a report appeared in @TheLancet highlighting how the horrifying number of 40k slaughtered Palestinians is heavily underestimated.
1/8 Image Using the conservative estimate from the secretariat of the Geneva Convention of 4 indirect deaths per reported death the authors estimated 186 000 assassinations attributable to the current genocide in Gaza.
Jun 26 13 tweets 4 min read
As scientists and @SciRebFr , we are calling for a mobilization against the extreme right through voting, collective commitment, direct action, and collective organization. 🧵

1/13 Image In 🇫🇷, several hundred scientists are calling for a mobilization against the fascist Rassemblement National through voting & collective commitment. RN is indeed an extreme right-wing party like any other, and it represents a real danger to democracy.

Jun 6 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨There are currently 4 people on unlimited hunger strike against climate breakdown in Germany. They are demanding nothing more than an honest government statement by the German Chancellor which states three scientific facts.

1/… 1 The continued existence of human civilization is extremely endangered by the climate catastrophe.
2 There is no longer any remaining CO2 budget: there are already hundreds of tons too much CO2 in the air.
3 We have to radically change course now, even if it is years late.

2/5 Image
May 17 8 tweets 2 min read
Did you know that targeting inequalities is among the best climate policies? Let us explain! 🧵

1/8 The continuous CO2 emissions are leading to a rise in temperature, with heat waves, floods, and other natural disasters as a consequence. The parasitic growth we are taught to worship is impossible to maintain within the planetary boundaries.
Mar 4 6 tweets 2 min read
Doctor Hugo Raguet, French scientist in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, will go on trial on March 5th in Munich for three non-violent direct actions in Scientist Rebellion's United Against Climate Failure campaign along with several other scientists #ScientistsOnTrial Image Hugo was one of the scientists who glued scientific papers on the windows of car dealers and blocked a road in Munich, demanding transport decarbonization, and proposing speed limits on autobahns and a public transport ticket at 9€. #UniteAgainstClimateFailure
Feb 9 10 tweets 3 min read
⚖️ 11 Ugandan climate activists face unjust charges under a colonial-era law, landing them in a maximum security prison. Their crime? Protesting against the harmful #EACOP project. Solidarity with these brave students: use to support #Uganda (1/10)
Image 📰 Earlier this week, @ninalakhani reported on @guardian about the arrest of 11 students from @JusticeUg256 and @Studenteacop. Scientist Rebellion is proud to have collaborated to shed light on this crucial issue. #ClimateJustice #Uganda
Jan 27 26 tweets 6 min read
On this day in 1945, the Soviet Union's Red Army liberated the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. The atrocities carried out in Auschwitz, and in other Nazi camps, included mass execution in gas chambers; forced hard labor and perverse human experiments.
1/x 🧵 Image The anniversary of the camp's liberation is used to commemorate the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust as well as the millions of other minority groups who were targeted during this campaign of genocide.
Jan 11 8 tweets 3 min read
#ColineFay faces LIFE in prison for attending a peaceful demonstration in Senegal.
The foreign affairs minister @MinColonna is still not replying.

The government is changing, but there is #NoChangeForColine

Please RT
1/8 Image Coline had been working in Senegal as a physiotherapist for the past year. On November 17th, Coline was arrested at a peaceful demonstration calling for the opposition leader, Ousmane Sonko, to be able to stand in the general elections in Senegal.

2/8 Image
Dec 5, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
🚨 Scientists across the world are on the streets! We ask #HowMuchMore greenwashing, #HowMuchMore lies will "leaders" feed us with before we build counter power? We demand NO MORE! Discover some of the recent actions 🧵 (1/20) 💌 Scientist Rebellion published an open letter in the Guardian that has been signed by over 1,000 scientists, including 33 IPCC authors. Scientists urge the public to become activists in the face of utter failure from world leaders. (2/20) Image
Nov 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It's been a week since #ColineFay, a French environmentalist, was arrested in Senegal. We still don't know if her rights are being respected. The reason? Taking part in a peaceful demonstration in favor of @SonkoOfficiel, an opponent of the Senegalese regime. #FreeColine (1/7) Image She faces life imprisonment. The charges? "Association with terrorists; complicity against the authority of the state, acts or maneuvers of a nature to compromise the security of the state". (2/7)
Oct 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🌿 Lorenzo Masini (Italy), MSc in Plant Biotechnology, will go on trial on October 24th after participating in three non-violent direct actions in Munich, along with several other scientists. He spent 3 days in a police station & 5 days in jail after his actions last year. (1/7) Image 🛢️ The first action Lorenzo was part of in Munich consisted in occupying and throwing fake oil at the headquarters of BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world. (2/7) Image
Oct 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🌍 Leonardo Rebeschini, an Italian MSc in Physics & Cosmology, will face trial in Munich on October 24th for actions he took in the Scientist Rebellion's Unite Against Climate Failure campaign. (1/7) Image 🔊 Leonardo raised his voice at Blackrock, condemning environmental violations. He demanded transport sector decarbonization at BMW Welt and called on the German government to admit Paris Agreement failure. (2/7) Image
May 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

Scientist Rebellion co-founder and human rights activist Mike Lynch-White sentenced to 27 months today for peacefully disrupting production of military components made in the UK and supplied to Israel with @Pal_action

1/7 Image Mike has already spent almost three months on remand for another protest with the climate group Burning Pink, and he might face a further custodial sentence for his involvement in the group Heathrow Pause. The trial related to this protest will take place in June.

May 15, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Myranda, PhD cand. in biology, arrested for protesting against @Equinor ⬇️
"We are already seeing the devastating consequences of climate breakdown. We know it is only going to get worse. I am 4 months pregnant, what will I tell my child?" #TheScienceIsClear: NO NEW OIL AND GAS. On Wed 10th May 2023, 20 members of @SRNorway took part in a slow march to protest against the conscious decision of Norway and @Equinor to push on the climate hell pedal. 3 were arrested for peacefully resisting the destruction of life.
Apr 21, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
Fossil Fuel Friday........a thread 1/8

#climateaction #ParisAgreement #IPCC Image reads: The Internatio... Fossil Fuel Friday 2/8

#climateaction #ParisAgreement #IPCC Image reads - In the same t...
Apr 21, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
#Elsevier, the publisher of @TheLancet @CELL and many more journals, continues to subsidise climate breakdown through data services, exhibition hosting and political lobbying supporting coal, oil, and gas exploration and extraction. A thread 1/n 🧵 Logo for the Stop Elsevier ... Elsevier provides the oil and gas industry with information about potential exploration areas, techniques, and new technologies needed for fossil fuel development in new areas such as Arctic and tar sands environments.…
Apr 19, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
Capitalism profits off the destruction of territories and communities around the world with impunity. Industries must be held responsible for their ecological crimes against global health, such as PFAS contamination in Italy. 🧵 (1/23) A board indicating ‘contami... Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are synthetic chemical compounds widely used to make non-stick, stain-resistant or waterproof products. To date, there are more than 4600 substances classified as PFASs. (2/23) An industrial site with con...
Apr 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Fossil Fuels Friday (1/10) Image (2/10) Image
Mar 26, 2023 16 tweets 15 min read
We have blindfolded statues all over the world after the shocking indifference that has received the latest @IPCC report. We are on a #ClimateEmergency and governments should act accordingly, instead of acting as if this is some nuisance. Three Smiths Statue, in Helsinki, Finland. #ScienceNotSilence #TellTheTruth
Mar 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
IPCC 🧵 (1/6) IPCC 🧵 (2/6)
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The latest IPCC report summarises five years of studies on global temperature rises, fossil fuel emissions, and climate impacts. It warns that many parts of the planet will become unlivable, emphasising the shrinking window of opportunity to secure a sustainable future. (1/4) The report acknowledges that limiting global warming to 2°C is critical. However, an overshoot of the 1.5°C target is likely in the 2030s. Despite these alarming findings, political leaders have yet to take sufficient action. (2/4)