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Oct 31, 2022, 10 tweets

It's Halloween, All Saint's Eve. A fitting time to mark the death of some historical witches, on behalf of the contemporary Scottish Witches 🧙‍♀️
First we have the Forfar Witches: 1/

Led by the Church of Scotland, even consulting with a 🧙‍♀️ was a crime. Why? We're lovely! 2/

Then we have the Forres 🧙‍♀️ 3/

Sounds delightful. These days they just scream "transphobe" & "TERF" and tweet death and rape threats. So, that's progress. 4/

Then we have Bute 🧙‍♀️
At least they were hung. Scotland must have had a lingering smell of burning female flesh for a couple of hundred years so a bit of a break from that would have been welcome. 5/

In Edinburgh there is the tiniest memorial to all the Scottish women murdered for being different, or clever, or unpopular, or asking about their rights, or just breathing loudly. Over 3800 people were murdered for witchcraft, the vast majority female. 6/

The inscription on the tiny memorial: 7/

These women have at least been pardoned - how gracious to acknowledge they were murdered and not punished for mystical powers - in part due to the efforts of @ScottishWitches 8/

But in 2022 we see the same name calling, finger pointing, telling us to wheesht, that our concerns are not valid, MSPs are whipped so they can't say "wait a minute, do they have a point...". 9/

Women are always going to be abused verbally or physically but we're not going anywhere, or staying silent. We fight for the underdogs, the vulnerable, the children and equality (the real stuff). Women have been called witches for centuries and you are right to be scared of us 🧙‍♀️

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