Scottish Feminist Network Profile picture
Scottish women, campaigning for our rights. DM to join a local group.… #SexNotGender
Feb 8 14 tweets 2 min read
"Judges have been warned that it is “extremely inappropriate” to refer to male rapists who say they identify as women by their preferred pronouns." 1/… The guidance from the Judicial Office comes amid growing outrage among campaigners over transgender defendants who are biologically male and have committed sex attacks against women being referred to as “she” in court. 2/
Dec 16, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Oh we know that the rewriting of Surgeon's history is underway for her memoirs but really, such blatant lies? The 'feminist to her fingertips' is the queen of self-delusion. On Sunday it will be 2 years to the day that her beloved Gender Recognition 1/… Reform Bill passed & she claims there was no "massive public opposition". Yeah, because ignorance of this blasted legislation (now blocked) explains how it got so far, along with an appalling lack of scrutiny. We know because for 18 months before the Bill hit Holyrood we had 2/ Image
Sep 18, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
"Children distressed about their gender are pushed onto the Sandyford clinic in Glasgow because the rest of the health service finds their care too hard to handle, a leading NHS manager said" 1/… Rhoda MacLeod, head of adult services for the Sandyford sexual health clinic, told MSPs that as soon as a child began questioning their gender “everybody goes, ‘Oh, I can’t deal with this. They need to go to the gender service’”.
Jul 25, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Sandy Brindley's the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland & on GMS today she said agreed that a female survivor asking for support by rape crisis should be able to specifiy she gets female support (at 2 hours 17mins) & said this was the case across all centres 1/… Which may come as a surprise to women paying attention to what has been going on in Scotland in relation to gender identity and what appears to be a blind acceptance in @scotgov-funded charities that if a male calls himself a woman he must be treated as a woman 2/
Apr 19, 2024 19 tweets 3 min read
2nd article in days about LGBT Youth Scotland in Scottish schools. You need to be asking who is wielding influence in *your* child's school. "My daughter was ‘radicalised’ by Scottish LGBT club in school" 1/
#DefundLGBTYS #EducationNotIndoctrination… Mother forced to pull child out of state school after uncovering ‘cult-like’ materials shared between members.
Holly* was drawn to her local school’s LGBT “allies” club by her fascination with flags.
Apr 17, 2024 27 tweets 4 min read
Is there any other lobbying group in Scotland allowed such easy access to our children, schools & curriculum as LGBT Youth Scotland (& TIE), to imprint their ideology on prepubescent minds. If you're not furious, you don't understand what's happening 1/… Scottish primary schools are appointing children as “LGBT champions” and are being urged to ask pupils as young as four if they are gay, lesbian or trans, The Telegraph can reveal. 2/
Apr 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Today we, & a group of other supporters from far flung places such as Shropshire & Ayr, witnessed @iwontwheesht read a list of factual statements such as humans are unable to change sex & that women don't have penises (unless they've acquired them through nefarious means) 1/ Such is legislation in Scotland 2024, this is a brave act from a women wishing to assert her right to speak factually of issues which affect our rights to discuss our safety, privacy & dignity. We must be able to speak of sex & risks posed by males #HumzasHateCrime 2/
Oct 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
"Scotland’s top doctor has been urged to scrap a policy that allows transgender patients to change their sex on medical records, amid claims the policy poses a
risk to their health" 1/ @ForWomenScot called on @DrGregorSmith, Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer, to follow the UK Gov
by ordering a review of data records that “deny biology". In the Scottish NHS, trans people can change their CHI number – a 10 digit code given to every patient - 2/
Oct 1, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
The Scottish Feminist Network is quoted in this article today, about recently updated National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland. We'll give you a bit of background info so you can appreciate our concerns as the chances are this guidance may affect your children. 1/ The 2023 guidance is here, with a very helpful table of all elements that had changed or been added since 2021. One paragraph that was new, under the section on under-age sexual activity, stated an intention not to immediately criminalise sex offences: 2/…
Sep 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
So you are off to University, @UniStrathclyde in particular, and you are feeling a little...queer. You need something to round off an outfit, to validate your mood and lo! You spot the student union Gender Affirming Fund. This may spark some trans joy...let's read on 1/ Image *rubs queer hands together*, what can you get?
Chest binders? Always a good way to start an academic year we find. Shortness of breath, inability to take part in sports, well as long as it's being used for the "right purpose" that's okay.
So who can access this fund? 2/ Image
Jun 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Recently, when women gather in Scotland they're joined by a man dragging a sound system. This man, Tom Harlow, is an "entertainer" apparently but he's branched out into misogyny via his twitter account "Cabaret against the hate speech" (CATHS) manned by him & equally nasty 1/ friends. So in real life we have Tom shouting ageist, misogynistic abuse at women wanting to watch a documentary outside Edinburgh Uni or listening to women at a rally in George Square, online we have him/groupies attacking women & allies. 2/
Jun 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Many of our members are attending these @ElectHer_UK events across Scotland tomorrow. We were all concerned by the clunky sign up questions, never mentioning sex, asking what we identify as. Women challenged the organisers and were told that no males will be present 1/ We have no idea how @ElectHer_UK can make this statement since we are aware of at least one male invited to speak, never mind those allowed to sign up to attend. We know of women who can't get tickets to the Holyrood event because the event was over-subscribed. We wonder if 2/
Jun 22, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Cllr Gallagher is lying to @GlasgowCC here when claiming that Nazis invaded George Square on 5th March. Hundreds of women gathered to speak about their rights. Why do @scottishgreens have to lie to make their points?
We're wondering if @ElaineSgp just doesn't know what a woman is? Or are all women Nazis? Or just the ones Cllr Gallagher doesn't like?
Is Jean fae Aberdeen a Nazi we wonder? (No, is the answer)
Jun 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
And this, Scottish followers, is why we're encouraging you all to get political (small p) & pay attention to your local & national discussions. In the last 12 months we've heard representatives at both levels express surprise that people are watching or turning up in person 1/ Too many discussions & decisions are being made without our knowledge. It can be inconvenient to attend, we know, but there're now live streams of many Council & Holyrood sessions. Check if your Council live streams & ask why not if they don't (we've something to thank CV19 for)
Jun 1, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
"NHS row as staff plan #Pride march through grounds of Scotland children’s hospital"
It's difficult to explain the disbelief we experienced when reading this story. A political march through Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary, past the Sick Kids??… @NHSScotland bosses have waded into the “toxic” debate over transgender rights by allowing activists to organise an “ideological and political” march through the grounds of one of Scotland’s largest hospitals.
May 30, 2023 38 tweets 14 min read
#C4GenderWars T- 6mins. Had your tactical wee? Phone on mute, vocal lubrication to help you rant/cheer at the screen? Have a few @GussieGrips clinches while you wait. *clenches. Dread to think what clinches @GussieGrips gets into...*shudders*
May 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A start would be the acknowledgement from both Ellie, @ShonaRobison & @scotgov that when our institutions accept *anyone* claiming to be something they not, with no protections from abuse, then you take responsibility for the "self ID" process you fought to create 1/ We have had a male double rapist claim to be a woman (didn't pass Humza's trans test but did pass the prison system test) & now a sexual abuser claim he was trans but treated (so far as not, but only with his permission) as male. We have 6 males in female prisons (murderers & 2/
May 18, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
A man plead guilty this morning to abduction & sexual assault of a young girl. He had a sexual fetish that involved dressing in female underwear & clothing, with child sexual abuse porn on his laptop, videos associated with his fetishes. These crimes were committed by a male. 1/ This male has been pretending to be a woman for some years & had adopted the name of Amy George. The only reason this male was referred to as 'he' in court was because he agreed to it for 'simplicity'. In a very similar universe to ours, our court system would be referring to 2/
Mar 11, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Parents want to meet to discuss @scotgov school sex ed guidance.
Trans activists complain & threaten, so @Edinburgh_CC charge the parents to provide security. So the #NoDebate has moved up a gear. Settle down with a cup of tea while I recount a sorry tale of crude political censorship in our capital city – once home to the free expression of ideas that would change the world, now a place where it seems only council-approved views are allowed to be aired in public.
Jan 23, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
There's going to be a rally in Glasgow on Sun 5th Feb, organised by @ThePosieParker. She wants women to attend & speak about how they feel about their rights, experiences & worries. Some unpleasant men don't like women with opinions so they will come to shout at the bad women 1/ There's an over 18yrs 'furrie convention' in Glasgow that weekend so they are being encouraged to come & shout at the women. In their furrie fetish gear. What is a furrie you ask? Well from their conference webpage : 2/
Jan 21, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
An animated story in 3 parts:
1) a @labour MP has an almighty tantrum because a woman dared to speak. He was very angry, unnecessarily angry while in his workplace. So what prompted this vitriol? Let's see 1/ 2)Here'ss a longer video which shows what & who @lloyd_rm was responding to. Note, Lloyd is at the top right of the screen in the Labour seats. Miriam Cates, who appears first, is in the bottom left, on the Tory benches. Does Lloyd just rant & sit down?