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Undead & into anti-anti-utopianism Free comics:

Nov 1, 2022, 24 tweets

“Solar geoengineering not a humanitarian endeavor: it would constitute massive, potentially dangerous, likely centuries-long intervention into the climate system in order to maintain the economic system at the root of the crisis.”🔥
philanthrocapitalism, ecomodernism, longtermism

"There appears to be a faction within climate politics willing to push for extreme..technological interventions to alter the climate system so that we can ultimately change…nothing at all. Or, more accurately, to actively save capitalism from a climate crisis of its own making."

Connecting the dots between “cost-effective" IPCC #IAMs and what #SRM has to do with large-scale carbon dioxide removal #CDR. Would add plan includes powering CDR with “green” nuclear to finally make nuclear "economical" 🤡
+ a lot about David Keith / Bill Gates FICER @DoctorVive

+ the first paragraph makes me think of this (second pic) from the "Fortunes of Denial" chapter in @ZetkinCo White Skin, Black Fuel - On the Danger of Fossil Fascism:

“Oh, and we would never see the stars again.”
Which of course billionaires into longtermism give a shit about since earth (+people on it) is just a springboard to destroy to help spread their DNA and "small" candle of "enlightened" consciousness into space

“All of which goes to show that, while some forms of horseshit are no longer a problem, others will always be with us.” @ElizKolbert
Thx @hangingnoodles for brightening not the shy but my day with this tip re: sulphur dioxide hoses and "cheap" tech-fixes: newyorker.com/magazine/2009/…

@ElizKolbert @hangingnoodles "In 1815, the eruption of Indonesian volcano Mt. Tambora caused crop failures from Ireland to Italy. Millions starved or emigrated.."
#SRM Side-effect droughts would likely mean millions of starving refugees. Does that “cost” sound “easy” or “inexpensive”? currentaffairs.org/2021/08/taming…

"... researchers may get the tools to study whether
or not plans designed in the Global North will affect them, rather than to explore their potential relationship to geoengineering as a viable solution."
#SRM #DecimalsFund
Timiebi Aganaba-Jeanty:

Did I get this right: solar geoengineering models can’t answer questions (e.g. what it would do to crops of a region) global south researchers have/want to ask because they solve for temp + GDP growth? + the solar energy advantage they have would be gone?

"...legitimising that research is very important because, as Inés said, it is this research that informs subsequent policy and if the research is not legitimate, the policies that are decided on the basis of that research will not be legitimate either."

"Wind's warming can exceed avoided warming from reduced emissions for a century"🤡
Global South concerned "reluctant" geoengineering star advocate David Keith has some old climate denial connections + paper attacking wind power from as recently as 2018. keith.seas.harvard.edu/files/tkg/file…

David Keith
2017: “progress on research governance is needed”
in Nick Bostrom’s Future of Humanity Institute's
Existential Risk / Diplomacy + Governance
(SRM + Longtermism)
2020: "we see no case for global governance of research and development" 🤡

Don't got stomach right now for all of it. But honestly, don't find it surprising that chemtrailers + conspiracy fans aren't convinced by these very Effective Altruism like moral reasonings but lap them up like their truth potion or something.

The thing is although one might emphazise reluctans for “employment” of such “solutions” and only wants research “for emergency”. Just listening to such “rational” reasonings treating human lives as mere numbers is normalizing something horrific in the guise of “concern + caring”

“Although we reject the incompatibility argument, we do not argue that SRM is necessarily, or even likely to be, democratic in practice.”
Starts with accusing critics of technological determinism. 🤡 Reminds me that all that climate denial had to achive was doubt.

Related: Keith signed the Ecomodernist Manifesto with (The Breakthrough Institute) Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger.

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