Céline Keller Profile picture
Undead & into anti-anti-utopianism Free comics:
Feb 10 6 tweets 2 min read
Can't bear the STUPIDITY ushering in the end of civilization and climate apocalypse ...
Macron "accelerating" AI with MODI + "Initial financing will come from Abu Dhabi’s MGX fund, a $100bn investment vehicle also involved in Stargate" Image
Dec 11, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Used my last opportunity to give a presentation about
⚡️Who Is Afraid of Degrowth?⚡️to talk about how the "effective accelerationism" tech broligarchs joined forces with #AtlasNetwork #Project2025 + what Milei got to do with their global ambitions to destroy democracy & science.
Nov 3, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
“A lot of Americans find it hard to believe that something like #Project2025 would ever actually be implemented. For @WeAreDrilled Argentinian reporter Ana Dominguez says what Milei has done in Argentina is a preview:”
drilled.media/news/Project20… x.com/DropSiteNews/s…Image #Project2025 and the tech bro billionaires “saving humanity and civilization.”
Sep 22, 2024 16 tweets 10 min read
"The money comes from Koch and other MAGA Republican billionaires. Queer Majority is the same - check their “illiberalism on both sides” posts."
More about "Queer Majority"🧵 Image More about "Queer Majority"🧵
Jul 2, 2024 45 tweets 30 min read
A thread about the new GERMAN open letter against Antisemitism on university campuses and who loves it.
1. Lars P. Feld
Image 2. Bettina Stark-Watzinger

May 30, 2024 29 tweets 11 min read
2 RECAP: Musk, Altman, Cook, Thiel, Andreessen, Zuckerberg ♥️ Milei (who ♥️ Nazis + in power cause #AtlasNetwork /🇩🇪Hayek Award in June) meanwhile MBS gives them all money + Gates campaigns 4 Modi + all profit from 🇮🇱’s GENOCIDE + their Ai & #AxelSpringer trash 🌍's journalism Image
Aug 29, 2023 23 tweets 13 min read
In what comes as absolutely NO SURPRISE ecomodernism NGO Replanet (funded by #TESCREAL billionaire who also set up think tank 2 influence EU govs on climate + floods money into green parties and FFF) now runs a campaign attacking Greenpeace on nuclear sporting a young woman 🧵

Thread with more threads on Replanet ecomodernism and what it all has to do with Russian disinfo on nuclear and TECREAL billionaire tech bros:
Jul 14, 2023 15 tweets 8 min read
Rutger Bregman: MacAskill's What WE Owe The Future "will mean for the longtermism movement what Peter Singer's 'Animal Liberation' meant for the animal rights movement."
Hero of the supposed to be big moderate majority of Effective Altruism #TESCREAL
Eugenics + pronatalism + 🤮 https://t.co/yyiEcLXmhX

He concluded that in severe cases, such as for children with spina bifida, it might well be morally wrong not to take a baby’s life. For less serious conditions, such as hemophilia, Singer concluded that the decision as to whether or not to kill the infant should depend on whether it would make the parents happy, and whether they intended to “replace” the child with another, non-disabled one: “When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed. The ...
It was devastating when I read this for the first time but it's on a whole new level in 2023, when the racist and eugenicist effective altruist and often called "most influential philosopher of our time" gets a pass as the one warning about longtermism.

May 26, 2023 76 tweets 44 min read
Why would an international left-wing mag in 🇩🇪 link #degrowth to a far-right pleasing neoliberal extremist, who has been attacking degrowth since before it was hip? There's an infowar raging pushing fascism into power. Time to reflect on the “self-destruction” on the left?🧵
Image Long thread on Jacobin from 2018

Disclaimer: I do believe there exist bad-faith actors but also that if your realm has been targeted by such actors, most people involved are not aware of being part of an operation + have disagreements with each other.

Dec 6, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Mind-blowing that SAI #SRM is taken seriously.
As is deabte about geoengineering #CDR #BECCS #DAC #CCS to "save" 1.5 right now, while mitigation hasn't even been tried to take seriously/started to be acted upon. Reading this report takes me forever because it makes me furious. White man from Global North:
"Perhaps Brazilians watching recent television footage of dying children in Ethiopia and Sudan would be glad to have their own rainfall reduced to 2000 mm a year when necessary." or geoengineering is a humanitarian endeavor! 🤡
Nov 1, 2022 24 tweets 13 min read
“Solar geoengineering not a humanitarian endeavor: it would constitute massive, potentially dangerous, likely centuries-long intervention into the climate system in order to maintain the economic system at the root of the crisis.”🔥
philanthrocapitalism, ecomodernism, longtermism Image "There appears to be a faction within climate politics willing to push for extreme..technological interventions to alter the climate system so that we can ultimately change…nothing at all. Or, more accurately, to actively save capitalism from a climate crisis of its own making." Image
Oct 26, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Curiously many Shellenberger nuclear bros & girls claim nuclear is "super safe" but needs deregulation + often appear on climate denial and far right media outlets that propose climate or "energy realism" which just means let's do all we can to help fossil fuels to stay alive. Guess why for example jobs in renewables in Germany were lost in the last years?
That's right, because the far right gladly supported astro turf anti-wind campaigns while Germany's leading politicians were catering to the demands of Russia's gas lobby and saving coal jobs. 🤡
Oct 26, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
"Overall, these narratives also serve to justify violations of the law and violence." @Matthias_Quent
Presenting yourself as "a victim of quasi-national socialist methods" has been the hobby-horse of covid denial & Querdenken in 🇩🇪.
Gas Lobby PR to appeal to the far right. With Nazi comparisons "one puts oneself in the position of a legitimate historical resistance fighter."
Guess that is:

"Draw a favorable comparison.”
+ “Address their dreams & fears, not yours.”

of “Learn to apply The Davies Method 
to your natural gas community engagement”
Jun 15, 2022 30 tweets 45 min read
🔥💀Dawn Of The ECT 💀🔥
The Comic Book about the Energy Charter Treaty!

FREE download here: celinekeller.com/dawn-of-the-ect
Time to #EndFossilFuelProtection

“Either we kill this treaty, or the treaty will kill us!”

@ysaheb #StopISDS #NoECT #ExitECT🧵 Image "Put it simple, this treaty is a major threat to the EU energy sovereignty, #GreenDeal, and #ClimateJustice goals. This timely comic is of high importance to ensure the French Presidency will end the participation of EU countries to this ecocide treaty.” @ysaheb #ExitECT #NoECT Image
Jun 10, 2022 32 tweets 14 min read
This is much bigger and further “right” than just 1 #PR firm.

Remember the #nuclear bro Mark Nelson saying politicians & school kids just need to “vibe” with nuclear waste and everything would be great?
He learned from Shellenberger.
Am just reading the new @ISDglobal study
