Bruce Baird Profile picture
Former engineer, college professor, and high school history teacher; present-day researcher, writer, and activist who believes you're never too old to question!

Nov 1, 2022, 71 tweets

Was "Russia's 9/11" - the explosions that rocked Russia in Sept 1999 officially blamed on Chechen Muslims - a Putin #FalseFlag? Actually these bombings have all the fingerprints of ISRAELI nuclear terrorism/extortion aimed at forcing Putin to join Israel's #WarOfTerror

In my Twitter search for years 2013-22 I find an almost unanimous consensus that the 1999 bombings were a #FalseFlag pulled by Putin & FSB (main Russian successor to Soviet KGB) to trigger Second Chechen War & promote Putin to Russian presidency. Cui bono? "False Flag Putin"!

References to the 1999 bombings on Twitter as PROOF of #FalseFlagPutin zoomed exponentially in Feb-Apr 2022 - spurred undoubtedly by several Feb 2022 articles - and then picked up again in the fall w/Nord Stream pipeline & Kerch Bridge incidents & "dirty bomb" accusations

ALL of the 2022 tweets that refer to 1999 explosions use the "fact" that Putin rose to power based on a "false flag" to PROVE that anything BAD that Russia accuses Ukraine of doing (or planning to do) is REALLY just a Russian "false flag" JUST LIKE "Russia's 9/11"

This unanimity of opinion in Twitterverse in support of "conspiracy theory" that Putin & FSB pulled a #FalseFlag in 1999 is interesting b/c even WIKIPEDIA states historians & journalists divided. Philip Short's 2022 Putin biography completely rejects.

Now I certainly wouldn't put it past Putin - or indeed ANY state leader - to pull a "false flag" but as for "Cui bono?" there was another who benefited from "Russia's 9/11" - ISRAEL. Since 1979 Israel had been pressuring states all around the world to join the "War on Terror"

Why there has been NO "expert" or popular interest in Israeli involvement in "Russia's 9/11" is quite curious since quite a few researchers have asserted Israel was behind "America's 9/11" - an Israeli #FalseFlag to pressure US into joining #WarOfTerror

Several researchers (e.g., Victor Ostrovsky, Ronen Bergman, Remi Brulin, Christopher Bollyn) have done much to expose smaller-scale Israeli #FalseFlag terrorism (e.g. car bombings) but I see them as #LimitedHangouts intended to shield even more than expose Israeli terrorism

But I am certainly not the first to investigate the "true" nature of Israeli nuclear terrorism/extortion. Back in 2002 Aussie investigator Joe Vialls (1944-2005) exposed Israel's racket in the 2002 Bali explosion caused by a Dimona “stealth" micro nuke

Vialls claimed the purpose of Israel's nuking of Bali in 2002 was “the ‘punishment’ meted out to Australians & others opposed to the Judeo-Christian Crusade agst Islam", to extort Australia into joining the Israeli #WarOfTerror

In 2004 Vialls reported Jewish “Special Forces” used Dimona micro-nuke to assassinate former Lebanese PM Hariri & had used same tactics in Beirut in 1983 bombing of US Embassy and US & French marine barracks, each time false flagging Hezbollah & Syria

My own research has confirmed much of what Vialls reported over 15 years earlier. In this thread I conclude Israeli PM Menachem Begin had "means, motive & opportunity" to order shallowly buried 10-ton "clean" nuke to blow up US Marine barracks in 1983

On 2005 Hariri assassination I concluded caused by 10-20 ton nuke buried below street, consistent w/Vialls reporting "a highly specialized micro-nuke sourced from Dimona" "detonated by remote control in an underground sewage conduit"

I also concluded that Israel's nuclear terrorism/extortion racket worked perfectly because as a direct result of the 1983 Marine barracks bombing, President Reagan ended up giving Israel practically everything they had wanted for the #WarOfTerror!

So how might this Israeli racket have played out in Russia in 1999? To answer this question I will focus on Volgodonsk, the largest of the explosions in terms of extent of damage, an explosion likely caused by same 10-20 ton micronuke responsible for 1983 & 2005 Beirut blasts

I should note that details about ANY of the four explosions that destroyed apartment blocs in Buynaksk, Moscow & Volgodonsk in Sep 1999 is much sparser than, say, an explosion in the US. The best resource I found was John Dunlop's The Moscow Bombings of September 1999 (2014)

According to Dunlop & other sources, the Volgodonsk explosion on 16 Sep 1999 killed 19, injured more than 1300, "blew off the front of a nine-story apartment block" and "severely damaged a nearby police station & about 20 other surrounding buildings"

The fact that "parts of the vehicle that carried the bomb were dispersed over a radius of nearly a mile" also suggests how powerful the Volgodonsk blast was. But the most telling evidence of explosive yield is the large crater left in the street in front of the apt building.

CNN on 16 Sep 1999 reported Volgodonsk crater was "a five-meter (16.4-foot) deep crater" & claimed the "explosives hidden in a truck OR an underground pipe". An FSB spokesman said "the force of the blast was equivalent to about 100-300 TONS of TNT"!!

CNN also reported a Moscow daily newspaper suggested FSB had "engineered the blasts to allow for the declaration of a state of emergency -- and the cancellation of planned elections" wch the Kremlin denounced as "lies" & "wickedness" claiming explosions caused by "terrorists"

The story of how an inter-agency investigative group formed by the Procurator for Rostov Oblast quickly identified the three Volgodonsk bombers & determined exactly what caused the explosion reads just like one of those FBI stories where everything is figured out in hours!

According to May 2002 report on Volgodonsk issued by the Russian General Procuracy (as translated by Dunlop) "it was established that the homemade explosive device had been located in a GAZ-53 vehicle", fragments of which "had been located spread out to a radius of 1.5 km"

"At the locus of the [Volgodonsk] explosion, "there was formed a crater 3.5 meters in depth and 13-15 meters in diameter" & "it was established that the power of the explosive device used in the bombing was equivalent to 800-1800 kilograms [.88-1.98 US tons] of TNT"

According to Felshtinsky & Litvinenko, on 10 Dec 2002 the Rostov Region office of FSB announced "the solution of the terrorist act in Volgodonsk" concluding "the power of the explosive device was equal to about two tons of TNT" w/no info on the explosive substances used

However, according to Dunlop, the Jan 2004 report of the Russian General Procuracy "repeatedly underscored that in the bomb detonated in Volgodonsk there was 'a mixture consisting of TNT, hexogen and, most likely, aluminum'" transported in sacks disguised as sugar

Now anybody who has followed my work would know that this "official" story is complete BS for the simple reason that there is NO WAY a GAZ-53 truck carrying HOWEVER MANY tons of high explosives could possibly blast "a crater 3.5 meters in depth and 13-15 meters in diameter"!

Just like this kind of Mercedes truck loaded with HOWEVER MUCH high explosives could NOT have blasted this crater "officially" reported 39' long by 29' 6" wide by 8' 8" deep in the center of what was the US marine barracks lobby floor in Beirut in 1983

And there is no way a Mitsubishi truck packed w/two tonnes RDX or HOWEVER MANY tons of high explosives could have blasted this crater in Beirut in 2005, officially reported as 11.4 m (37.4 ft) in diameter & 1.9 m (6.2 ft) deep

And a Ryder rental truck packed with 2200 kg ANFO or HOWEVER MAY tons of high explosives could NOT have blasted the crater officially reported as 28 ft in diameter and 6.8 ft deep behind the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on 19 April 1995

Others like Joe Vialls & Dimitri Khalezov have challenged "official" LIES abt explosions based on FACT truck bombs can NOT blast large craters. Indeed I first learned about Volgodonsk from Khalezov altho he questionably accepts CNN's 100-300 tons & only blames the "good guys"

Over the past three years I have researched & analyzed everything I could find on evidence of explosive cratering in order to understand how to use the crater as a forensic tool to dissect the explosion - not just truck bombs but also incidents like 2020 #BeirutBlast

I have provided evidence for the claim that truck bombs can NOT blast large craters in numerous threads. But I am also starting to bring all the pieces together in a manuscript titled The Telltale Crater of which Chapter 1 is "Oklahoma City 1995"


So if a GAZ-53 truck loaded with HOWEVER MANY sacks of high explosives could NOT have blasted the Volgodonsk crater, what kind of explosion COULD have? At the very least such a crater would have required an UNDERGROUND explosion.

Indeed before the "official" truck bomb story kicked in, there were initial inklings that the Volgodonsk explosion was underground as CNN reported on 16 Sep 2022 that the explosives were "hidden in a truck OR AN UNDERGROUND PIPE"

Khalezov relates two people he knew saw the crater before it was filled w/water & neither believed it was a car bomb, saying obvious explosive device hidden in the sewage system deep underground because they could clearly see remnants of torn piping at the edges of the crater

Also indicative that the Volgodonsk explosion was underground rather than aboveground, one of the acquaintances, a commander of a firefighters' shift who was on duty at the moment, said that the explosion "shook the ground and could be felt at a minimum of 15 kilometers away"

Could high explosives (HE) detonated underground have blasted the Volgodonsk crater? Most definitely! But an underground HE explosion would NOT have caused all the OTHER damage. Take, e.g., the HE blast that killed PM Carrero Blanco in Madrid in 1973.

The 1973 Madrid (l) & 2005 Beirut (r) blasts left similar craters but the Madrid underground HE blast caused little damage to neighboring buildings in contrast to extensive damage caused by Beirut & Volgodonsk blasts.

In order to answer questions like how much HE or how big of a nuke it would take to blast a certain crater, over the past year I have tabulated ALL the explosive cratering tests - both nuclear & non-nuclear, aboveground, surface & underground - I have been able to discover.

I realize that this brief technical aside will go over a lot of people's heads but I strongly believe in giving people all the tools they need to be able to do this kind of cratering analysis themselves so they don't have to take my word for it!

For forensic analysis of explosive craters, I have found it most useful to start by graphing the apparent crater diameter-to-depth (d/p) ratio as a function of scaled depth of burst (DOB), where + values are for underground explosions and - values for aboveground explosions

This plot of d/p vs scaled DOB follows the most accepted rules for scaling explosions for cratering analysis, using 1/3.4 (0.294) scaling, thus

Scaled DOB = DOB/W^(1/3.4)

where W = TNT equivalent weight of the explosive. Here I use DOB in units of ft and W in units of kt.

To better understand the difference between HE and NE craters, I have divided the data in the Excel figure into into "Small HE" (< 1 lb - 320 lbs TNT), "Large HE" (1.28 - 493 tons TNT) and "Nuclear" (18 - 360,000 tons TNT) test craters.

In order to determine the charge weight & DOB, take crater d/p ratio & use figure to determine scaled DOB. Volgodonsk had an average crater diameter 45.9 ft & depth 11.5 ft so d/p = 45.9/11.5 = 4.0. Assuming explosive was "Large HE," we find scaled DOB of (at minimum) 50

Knowing scaled DOB = 50, we can then use either the scaled diameter or scaled depth versus scaled DOB curve to determine the actual charge & DOB.

Assuming "Large HE" scaled DOB of 50 corresponds to scaled apparent crater diameter of 300 & scaled depth of 75. We then calculate for Volgodonsk crater HE charge of 1.70 tons TNT equiv @ DOB = 7.7 ft - CLOSE to the 2 tons reported but that was on the bed of GAZ-53 truck!

Assuming instead a nuclear device (NE) was used, we can see Volgodonsk d/p of 4 is quite close to an actual data point - the Johnie [sic] Boy test, a 500-ton W-30 TADM (tactical atomic demolition munition) @ DOB only 2 feet below surface detonated 11 July 1962 at NTS.

Scaling down from the Johnie Boy to the Volgodonsk crater, we calculate for Vologodonsk NE 11.7 tons TNT equiv @ DOB .635 ft (7.6 inches), quite comparable to the shallowly buried 10-20 ton micronukes I have previously IDed for the 1983 & 2005 Beirut explosions.

Here we are talking about a micronuke akin to the Mk-54 (ul) manufactured in US 1961-65, width 10.75 in, length 17.6 in, weight 50 - 55 lbs, variable yields 10 & 20 tons, used for the Davy Crockett (ur) & SADM (ll, lr) (special atomic demolition munition).

If you are thinking at this point, "What about the radioactivity?" I will refer you to numerous tweets I have posted about the very real development of "Minimum Residual Radiation" (i.e., "clean") nukes in the US in the 1960s & 1970s.

In addition to relative ease to place micronuke (surely much smaller than Mk-45 by 1990s) compared to 1.7 tons TNT (for pure TNT cube 5.6 x 5.6 x 5.6 ft) @ DOB = 7.7 ft, an 11-ton micronuke @ DOB = .635 ft much better explains extent of damage in Volgodonsk (r) than HE (l)

There is other evidence to suggest Volgodonsk was nuked. Khalezov reports the firefighter commander told him at the moment of the explosion, he looked out the window & was astonished to see a perfect "mushroom" cloud of smoke that at once reminded him of a nuclear explosion.

The commander was very familiar with various forms of smoke-clouds but said this was unique. It's hard to know exactly what he meant by perfect "mushroom" cloud, but it may very well have looked like this photo that Wikipedia says is "A possible test of the XW-54 warhead"

Khalezov adds early news reports in Volgodonsk mentioned "the town officials were very much concerned with the 'cloud' & were very glad that the 'cloud' was luckily gone w/the wind towards a huge water reservoir located nearby, instead of being flown towards populated areas."

As to WHO detonated this "clean" micronuke just below the street level in Volgodonsk, I have repeatedly stated that I believe only five nuclear states had ever developed & could have had access to this kind of 3rd-generation nuclear weapon - US, USSR, Israel, France & China

So WHICH of these five states could have done such a dastardly thing? As far as Russia is concerned, although they were motivated to keep up with the US during the Cold War, I seriously doubt they maintained much interest in 3rd-gen nukes thru the turmoil of the 1990s.

And even if Russia somehow had a stockpile in 1999, I can't imagine why Putin/FSB would resort to an MRR micronuke to pull a #FalseFlag when they have access to all the HE they could ever want? Just to simulate the kind of blast people THINK a truck bomb makes?

However I can imagine quite a few reasons why Israel might use an MRR micronuke. A small team of Mossad agents can slip into any country & working with a few insiders, under the guise perhaps of road repair, plant a micronuke & later detonate it remotely.

The Israelis would also have to be able to control the site "clean up" enough to prevent discovery of any incriminating evidence. But Joe Vialls showed they've proven they CAN do all this in 1983 & 2005 Beirut & 2004 Bali so quite conceivable could've done so in 1999 Russia.

A very big part of the success of these #FalseFlags is Israel's amazing ability to get ALL "experts", media & govts to NEVER point the finger at Israel or nukes though most assuredly there are true "experts" & leaders who KNOW - and Israel KNOWS they know - the #Truth

Indeed so complete is the silence over Israeli micronukes that I can hardly call what they do "nuclear terrorism" when NO ONE questions the "official" story that insists over & over that these terrorist attacks like the 1983 US Marine barracks bombing were NON-NUCLEAR!

The final evidence I offer for Israel being responsible for micronuke blasts is in answer to question "Cui bono?" When Israel is the prime beneficiary, that's pretty good proof! Joe Vialls found this true w/Australia after 2002 Bali & I did too w/US after 1983 Beirut blasts

So what did Putin do as a result of "Russia's 9/11"? He did exactly the same thing Reagan did following the 1983 Marine barracks bombing. Putin became a champion of Israel's #WarOfTerror! He went after Chechen Muslims, TWO years BEFORE the US went after Afghan Muslims.

The day before the Volgodonsk bombing, Interfax reported Putin told a meeting of CIS defense ministers that "'INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM' masquerading under ISLAMIC religious slogans aims to destroy the CIS," words that could have come straight from Benjamin Netanyahu!

And as if that wasn't enough, on 14 Nov 1999 Putin published an NYTimes op-ed "Why We Must Act" that I'd SWEAR was written by BENJAMIN NETANYAHU himself! Just imagine explosions in New City and Washington DC!

Putin in Netanyahu-like English proclaimed in this Nov 1999 op-ed:
"No government can stand idly by when terrorism strikes"!
"The WTC bombing in NYC [in 1993] was the sad result of such extremism"!
"Terrorism today knows no boundaries"!
And behind it all - Osama bin Laden!!

How far Putin's Russia had come since the July 1979 Jonathan [Netanyahu] Institute conference that launched "the War on Terror" at which the theme of the Israeli propaganda offensive was the SOVIET UNION was behind international terrorism!

Furthermore, as Anna Borshevskaya reports, after "he came into office in March 2000," Putin pursued improved ties with Israel that had deteriorated in the late 1990s, motivated in part by the Chechen struggle.

"Putin has drawn parallels btwn Russia's & Israel's respective struggles agst terrorism" in mtgs w/many top Israeli officials. For its part Israel was one of few countries that didn't criticize Putin over Chechnya. Ariel Sharon in 2003 called Putin "a true friend of Israel."

Dec 2000 Putin & Netanyahu symbolically together attended the new Jewish Community Center in Moscow where Putin lit the first Hanukkah candle. Netanyahu said "This is change! Big change! Positive change! Powerful change!" Afterward they spoke for 1 1/2 hrs over kosher wine.

While Putin's Russia could never top US as "Netanyahu's bitch" - I mean the Russian State Duma never gave Netanyahu 23 standing ovations in 40-minute speech like US Congress did 2015! - I think it safe to conclude "Cui bono?" that Israel benefitted greatly from Russia's 9/11!

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