Bruce Baird Profile picture
Former engineer, college professor, and high school history teacher; present-day researcher, writer, and activist who believes you're never too old to question!
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Nov 30, 2023 39 tweets 22 min read
In previous threads I have laid out the long history of Netanyahu's "Hamas is ISIS" & "battle of civilization agst barbarism" rhetoric that dominated Zionist hasbara in aftermath of 10/7. What still needs to be told is the story of those who chose to fight this hasbara.

Late on 10/7, Israeli PM Netanyahu tweeted (in Hebrew) to the citizens of Israel "Hamas started a cruel and evil war...Hamas wants to murder us all. It is an enemy who murders children and mothers in their homes, in their beds..."
Nov 18, 2023 104 tweets 64 min read
Up until 10/7 Netanyahu's rhetoric dating back to the 1980s that "the battle agst terrorism was part of a MUCH LARGER STRUGGLE, one btwn the forces of civilization & the forces of barbarism" had been treated as hyperbole. Is it still hyperbole?
To understand whether Netanyahu's post-10/7 rhetoric threatens WWIII or just revival of Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, a good start is to compare/contrast how identical rhetorical elements played out in 2014 "Gaza War" & are currently playing out in 2023 "Israel-Hamas War"
Nov 13, 2023 36 tweets 20 min read
No doubt if Netanyahu gave this "battle of civilization against barbarism" speech before joint session of Congress, he would break the record of 29 standing ovations he got in 2011! But what is it w/this WWII rhetoric? What happened to the "War on Terror"?
As Christopher Bollyn outlined in 2018, "the War on Terror is essentially an Israeli war strategy," first promoted on world stage by Netanyahu & Menachem Begin at Jerusalem Conference hosted by Netanyahu Institute in July 1979…
Oct 30, 2023 106 tweets 48 min read
Richard Medhurst & Paul Lookman have recently raised doubts 2020 #BeirutBlast was an ACCIDENT, observing how destruction of port of Beirut fit into a pattern along w/other recent events that can ALL be seen as part of a #USrael plan for Netanyahu’s “New Middle East”
1/ Image Both @richimedhurst & @PaulLookman suggest war in Ukraine, sanctions on Russia, blowing up Nord Stream pipelines, US occupation of & Israeli bombing of Syria, killing of Iranian nuclear deal all part of plan to give Israel oil & gas monopoly in Europe
Oct 23, 2023 36 tweets 22 min read
On 22 Jan 2004, "Joe Vialls" posted an article "Fortress Americas, Part 2" on his website in which he made the startling claim "the Zionists" were responsible for blowing up the US & French Marine barracks in Beirut on 23 Oct 1983. So WHO was this mysterious Joe Vialls?
1 Image Joe Vialls more startlingly claimed "the Zionists" had NUKED the US & French Marines by detonating "two Dimona micro nukes" outside their barracks! But was he REALLY the impoverished, seriously ill Aussie working out of his home he portrayed himself as?
Oct 4, 2023 26 tweets 14 min read
What could have caused this "cloud" at "surface zero" above the Nord Stream 1 explosion site in this photo taken at 19:12 (UTC+2) on 26 Sep 2022? Was it a "plume" from a 1-4 kiloton underwater nuke? A "fountain" from escaping methane? Could it have possibly been both?
1/ Image In the past year, two "citizen investigators" - Hans-Benjamin Braun @Ben68638515 (l) & Erik Andersson @Erkperk (r) - w/very different ideas on what caused the 2022 Nord Stream explosions, have done more than anyone to analyze the physical effects of these explosions
Sep 2, 2023 35 tweets 20 min read
Continuing my analysis of Twitter on 4 Aug 2020 in an effort to determine whether there was a pre-scripted narrative, I want to back up 14 minutes from 6:08 pm - the time of THE #BeirutBlast - to 5:54 pm when Nabih Bulos curiously tweeted "Huge explosion in #Beirut"
1/ Image For my initial effort (not even close to being finished!) to identify a "Beirut blast script" focused on the first hour after the blast tracing the rise & fall of the fireworks story & beginnings of the ammonium nitrate story, check out this thread
Aug 5, 2023 41 tweets 23 min read
Within hours, the "official" 9/11 & #BeirutBlast narratives were established, not to be questioned. On 11 Sep 2001 legacy media led the way as if guided by some prepared "9/11 script." On 4 Aug 2020 Twitter led the way. Was Twitter also guided?
Back in Oct 2019 I posted a long two-part thread asserting the existence of a "9/11 script" in the news coverage on 9/11 designed to promote the idea that it was inevitable that two jetliners crashing into the Twin Towers would cause them to "collapse"
Apr 2, 2023 22 tweets 13 min read
As Israel once again bombs Homs, is it too late to ask WTH was that massive explosion in Homs 10 years ago? Was it a rocket attack on a Syrian weapons depot? Secret underground chemical weapons facility? Or was it an Israeli tactical nuclear strike as @GregThielmann asserted? The daytime explosion in Homs on 1 Aug 2013 followed three months after a comparably huge nighttime explosion on Mount Qasioun in Damascus on 5 May 2013 that NYTimes reported was the result of an Israeli airstrike.…
Dec 22, 2022 105 tweets 55 min read
The story of the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafic Hariri on 14 Feb 2005 as depicted in this Al Arabiya CGI reenactment is a LIE on the simple grounds that a truck bomb (even one containing 2500 kg TNT) CANNOT blast a large crater!
1/ In a previous thread I detailed origins & impossibility of "official" truck bomb theory. In this I'll prove the explosion was caused by shallowly buried 10-20 ton "clean" micro-nuke & detail the Israeli #FalseFlag to blame first Syria & then Hezbollah
Dec 13, 2022 104 tweets 59 min read
Former French Defense Minister Michel Alliot-Marie renews LIE that Hezbollah & "the Syrian regime" "jointly responsible" for 2005 assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri, once again ignoring clear evidence reported by Joe Vialls pointing the finger at ISRAEL
1/ ImageImage Vialls refuted "official" reports Hariri killed by truck bomb that western media was falsely blaming on Hezbollah & Syria. Vialls argued a truck bomb could NOT have blasted this huge crater, that was IN FACT blasted by an underground Dimona micro-nuke!
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Nov 28, 2022 89 tweets 57 min read
In a 93-tweet thread I made the case there NEVER was an "Operation Northwoods" back in 1962. In this continuation thread I argue "Operation Northwoods" was PROPAGANDA designed in 2001 to divert attention from ISRAELI complicity in both JFK & 9/11
In the previous thread, I showed how Oliver Stone's JFK (1991) popularized idea JFK was assassinated by "the military-industrial complex" (MIC) b/c he refused to invade Cuba in 1962, was set to withdraw from Vietnam & wanted to end the Cold War. LBJ gave MIC what it wanted!
Nov 24, 2022 93 tweets 54 min read
The "Operation Northwoods" LIE that has been repeatedly used to PROVE that both JFK assassination & 9/11 were INSIDE JOBS executed by the "Military-Industrial Complex" or "Deep State" is #disinfo designed to divert attention from ISRAELI complicity in both JFK & 9/11
1/ Image In March 2001 - just six months BEFORE 9/11 - the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen aired on Fox TV with a dramatic scene in which a Boeing 727 is remotely hijacked by "terrorists" - actually a secret cabal in US govt - & flown into the WTC.
Nov 13, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
I wonder if this new Netanyahu podcast is now Glenn Beck's "most important" he's ever done? Hmmm. From her past work I would have thought Netanyahu was one of the "elites" that @_whitneywebb thought was trying to "create a class of slaves that cannot even cognitively rebel"? Image Here is Whitney on Netanyahu back in 2018-2019 on his "insane fear mongering falsehoods at the UN", using US soldiers as "pawns", outsourcing destruction of Palestine to US, "Dancing Israelis"/"9/11 was good for Israel", "you are from POLAND!!!", etc. ImageImageImageImage
Nov 4, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
How far Putin's Russia had come since the July 1979 Jonathan [Netanyahu] Institute conference that launched "the War on Terror" at which the theme of the Israeli propaganda offensive was the SOVIET UNION was behind international terrorism!
67/… Image Furthermore, as Anna Borshevskaya reports, after "he came into office in March 2000," Putin pursued improved ties with Israel that had deteriorated in the late 1990s, motivated in part by the Chechen struggle.
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Nov 1, 2022 71 tweets 41 min read
Was "Russia's 9/11" - the explosions that rocked Russia in Sept 1999 officially blamed on Chechen Muslims - a Putin #FalseFlag? Actually these bombings have all the fingerprints of ISRAELI nuclear terrorism/extortion aimed at forcing Putin to join Israel's #WarOfTerror
1/ In my Twitter search for years 2013-22 I find an almost unanimous consensus that the 1999 bombings were a #FalseFlag pulled by Putin & FSB (main Russian successor to Soviet KGB) to trigger Second Chechen War & promote Putin to Russian presidency. Cui bono? "False Flag Putin"!

Sep 4, 2022 77 tweets 55 min read
Once you've looked at enough videos of nuclear, TNT & ANFO explosions, you realize the perpetrators of the 2020 #BeirutBlast actually stitched together this Frankenstein's monster from TWO huge explosions, one aboveground & the other belowground #25MonthsAndCounting

1/ Image It was the aboveground (possibly nuclear) bomb that produced the blast that rocked Beirut & the strange reddish mushroom cloud. And it was the belowground definitely nuclear 5+ kiloton bomb that blasted the grayish earth below the cloud, leaving behind a massive crater.
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Aug 6, 2022 46 tweets 23 min read
On this the 77th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb Little Boy on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, we recall the shocking "bomb's eye view" of the blast from the 2005 BBC docudrama Hiroshima.

Two years ago there was a HUGE media blitz as part of what I call "the 8/4 script" to push the idea that what happened in Beirut on 4 Aug 2020 was like what happened in Hiroshima 75 yrs earlier, promoted by people obviously quite ignorant abt Hiroshima!
Sep 23, 2021 120 tweets 99 min read
In a recent thread, I concluded the North Tower "collapse" could NOT have "punched" this 11-story #WTC6 "crater" AND there was NO major explosion in WTC6 on 9/11. So WHAT caused this crater & where DID all the steel, concrete, furniture, etc. go?
The working hypothesis I will explore in this thread is the missing #WTC6 contents spewed out as clouds of blackish dust, smoke, steam, etc., in a process that took many hours beginning with #WTC1 “collapse” & lasting through most of the night.
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Sep 20, 2021 39 tweets 33 min read
"Computer enhancement shows TWO deep craters & BOTH ARE EMPTY. Had #WTC6 merely collapsed, huge debris piles would be expected in the lower levels...The only possible way this could happen is both craters were blasted from the bottom upward, expelling ALL debris up & outward"
58/ Image By Mar 2008 an analysis of photos of Bill Biggart (who died in "collapse" of #WTC1) posted at shows #WTC6 was "already blackened and damaged" BEFORE #WTC2 "collapse" as evidenced by the fact "no dust or debris in the streets"
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Sep 18, 2021 50 tweets 42 min read
The "official" story says perimeter steel columns "falling" from #WTC1 "punched" through Building 6 #WTC6 on 9/11 & created this huge "crater" down to sub-basement levels? Others look at this crater and think "No way! This HAD to have been an explosion!" So which is it?
1/ For nearly a year after 9/11 there was nothing controversial about the #WTC6 crater. On 16 Sep 2001 #NYTimes published this satellite image that clearly shows the black hole marked "6" but it certainly didn't stand out from all the other destruction