Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Nov 1, 2022, 8 tweets


First I highlight this Senate race. Catherine Cortez Masto is first Latina ever elected to Senate, from Nevada

She is challenged by Trumpista election-denier magamonster Adam Laxalt

We need to re-elect Catherine. Help her campaign please support RT @CortezMasto

Second Senate race I want to highlight is Mandela Barnes, a patriot who is campaigning to unseat the traitor, January 6th plotter Ron Johnson (Q Moscow).

We really want this race! Mandela will make a great Senator for Wisconsin. Please follow & support RT @TheOtherMandela

This race is even more personal for me. The open Senate seat in Ohio. We support Tim Ryan who is ahead & we can win this race!

The absolute PUTINISTA monster Magacriminal is Trump-endorsed JD Vance. He doesn't care if Russia defeats Ukraine? FUCK HIM !!

Pls support RT @TimRyan

Next Senate race I want to highlight is Val Demings in Florida. She is campaigning to unseat #LilMarco, #MarcoRubles Rubio, an utterly corrupt Trumpista. This race is neck-and-neck

Val is a treasure, we want her in the Senate

Please follow, please support RT @valdemings

Then in tight Senate races, I want to highlight Cheri Beasley running in North Carolina. She is a former NC Chief Justice!

Her race is tied with Trumpista magamaggot abortion-banning lunatic fanatic Ted Budd

We want Cheri! Please follow & support her race RT @CheriBeasleyNC

Also I want to mention race of our Rev Raphael Warnock, Senator from Georgia. Because he came in via Special Election, his re-election is already now

This is a close race against wife-beater Trumpista fake cop-badger Herschel Walker

Please support & follow RT @ReverendWarnock

The last of 7 tight Senate races for us this cycle, is Pennsylvania's open seat

Our John Fetterman has started to pull ahead of Turkey's candidate Dr Mehmet Oz, a die-hard Trumpista magaweirdo who has a history of killing puppies (true!)

Pls follow & support RT @JohnFetterman

What can YOU DO?

These campaigns need VOLUNTEERS. You can help by offering to volunteer, even if you are not living in that state

If you can afford it, please donate to these campaigns

And the LEAST you can do, is share their info

You can trust me. I'm on a mission from God

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