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Nov 2, 2022, 5 tweets

Do you believe there are significant differences between #Economics and #Tokenomics of #web3?

Can we simply apply what we know from #Econ101 to tokens and become successful investors and buidlers?

We asked a Tokenomist to find out! 🧵 👇

#Economics is a social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services that focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic actors and how economies work. Economics is PREDICTIVE: Given rules, what outcome can one expect?

#Tokenomics is the study of token supply & demand dynamics, behavioral mechanisms, and incentive design. All characteristics are programmed and the outcomes can be observed transparently on-chain.

Tokenomics is DESIGN oriented: Given desired outcomes, what rules does one create?

Some aspects of econ certainly apply to tokenomics, however many of the basic investor metrics are different.

We will cover “basic investor metrics” (BIMs) in the next thread(s) over the next few days - stay tuned!

If you want to go deeper and learn the basics of tokenomics quickly, in a structured format, consider taking our course.

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