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아포방포| studied at servington university and graduated with distinction in motherlogical studies

Nov 2, 2022, 93 tweets

#namgiseok au where Yoongi is a famous rapper,that has been hiding who he is for years from everyone, because no one takes omega rapper seriously, attends WKorea event as a special guest along with two rivals alphas RM and jhope. And during Sexy Nukim performance he loses it..

first thing that i should mention from omegaverse there are only names omega, alpha, beta and the fact that they have their own scents. no sl!ck, no pr3gnancies were mentioned, just them having scents!!!

- namseok are dating
- namgiseok endgame
- no angst just crack
- fluff
- side ship vminkook

the most important thing YOONGI IS A BRAT

🎤47 joonie dw he will do it himself

#namgiseok #namgiseokau #namgi #sope #namseok


thank you for reading this au. i will definitely add more bonus parts as soon as i will get electricity back bc i want to share more their moments. for now i’m done take care love you

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