Jeff Knox Profile picture
UFO historian/archivist , 30+yrs (10yr FT) studying the phenomena. Interest: Geology, Arch/Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology

Nov 4, 2022, 42 tweets

#ufotwitter #ufohistory #ufowave
Today In History - The Levelland, Tx Wave
November 2-3, 1957
1/12:05 a.m. Texas Tech college student Newell H. Wright is driving west one mile west of Smyer, Texas, when the ammeter gauge on his car dashboard starts fluctuating widely. The car

2/motor gradually goes out then the headlights and radio die. He gets out to check and sees a white or aluminum-colored, oval-shaped object flat on the bottom like a loaf of bread, with a bluish-green tint, about 75–125 feet long. After a few minutes, the object suddenly rises up

3/ from the road ahead and ascends almost vertically at great speed slightly to the north, disappearing in seconds. Afterward the car can start again. [Eberhart]
This is just one example of the sightings that occurred during this time period. More in images.

"No Saucers In Reports UFOs Seen". Montreal Gazette. November 16, 1957.
A. Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight line Mystery. p. 235-237.
Donald Keyhoe, Flying Saucers: Top Secret, pp.ll4-17.
J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, pp. 141-147;

Sources cont.:
C. Maney and R. Hall, The Challenge of Unidentified Flyrng Objects,pp72-75;
“Did the Air Force Deceive the Public About the November Sightings?” The U.F.O. Investigator 1, no. 3 (January 1958): 1, 3–9;

Sources cont.:
Davies, Paul C.W. “The Ball Lightning Enigma; Can It Explain Many UFOs?” Second Look 1, no. 12 (October 1979): 19–22.
"The Levelland Case" (The New Mexico Story), APRO Bulletin Nov. 1957, Pg.1,3-9;
NICAP, The UFO Evidence, pg.163-4,168;

Sources cont.:
Brad Sparks, Blue Book Unknowns File, pg.253 #1260 & pg.254 #1261;
"Levelland, TEXAS: November 2-3, 1957", Walter Webb, NICAP Special Report 1957;
Jerome Clark, The UFO Encylopedia 3rdEd, pg.683–684;
David Jacobs, The UFO Controversy In America, pg.134-137;

Sources cont.:

UFOs and Flying Saucers Issue #1 The Levelland Panic

Well, this thread posted before I was done typing. Stupid twitter.
Source Cont:
Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: 1957 November 3rd–5th, The Author, 1997, p. 1-13;

The Levelland Sightings / Saucedo
Nov. 2, 1957
Levelland, Texas…

Oval-Shaped Object & EME On Ammeter [Newell Wright sighting]
Nov. 3, 1957
Levelland, Texas…

“Levelland 1957,” Texas UFO Museum & Research Library, March 15, 2002;…

Rullán, Antonio. The Levelland Sightings of 1957: Analysis
of the Evidence and Evaluation of the Ball Lightning
Hypothesis, self-published monograph, 1999.…

The Southwestern UFO Wave oF 1957
by Antonio F. Rullán

Patrick Gross's page for "Levelland, Texas, USA, 1957"…

Kevin Randle's Blog "The Levelland UFO Sightings"
[He recently published a book on Levelland]…


The Tex Files: Levelland UFOs…

Cars stalled during UFO encounters in Levelland, Texas, November 2-3, 1957

"One famous case, was at Levelland, Tex., in 1957. Ten vehicles were stopped within a short area, all independently in a 2-hour period, near Levelland, Tex. There was no lightning or thunder storm, and only a trace of rain."…

Over 100 combined pages from CUFOS:……

A.Schopick, A Study Of Secondary Effects, Summer 1966, pg.26-36;…

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