Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Nov 4, 2022, 11 tweets

An Official Conference CoVid Mask Rater Thread: #2022ASA

These folks get a 9.5/10. Period.

A presenter in a respirator? What?!

More folks in respirators?! What!? So confused...The Public Health conferences never looked like this!?

@AmerStudiesAssn is swinging for the fences!

Respirators only, please!…

Receptions outdoors? Can one fall in love with a conference? Pitter patter.

No one but us transmission prevention specialists know that transmission can still happen outdoors. But. Super-spreading is bloody well much less likely to happen.

So kudos.

Testing with 24 hours of conference start?

Rapid testing? Every day?!

"Have the bivalent boosters - or you are dead to us.".

A personal to see it!

Would have loved to see #corsirosenthalboxes or HEPAs involved. Headband N95s instead of KN95s (60-70% fake on Amazon), as those earloops slowly ease forward.

And of course, having virtual - but they went out of their way to talk about that...this entire clip is about it.

So, not perfection, but you can tell they are trying, and have done a fine job.

And that's 1000% better than some of the others we've seen.

Over a year's worth of conferences:

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