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Verein Agile Demokratie - Resilienz, Frieden und Freiheit Veranstaltungsreihe Zukunftsforum

Nov 4, 2022, 12 tweets

A thread on how targeted Russian propaganda is influencing the West! 🧵

‼️About the continuous fire of disinformation‼️ 👇🏻


As the Russian regime faces more and more setbacks and losses in Ukraine, the more intensively it is focused on showering Western society with disinformation and propaganda! And it doesn't matter to Russia how bizarre it is 👇🏻

The only goal is to divide the Western world!
To dissuade them from support for the invaded country.
Ukraine 🇺🇦 should be isolated, so to speak, so that the Western world no longer cares that Russia 🇷🇺 this war of extermination 👇🏻

in Ukraine 🇺🇦 leads!
This whole disinformation must be understood in its whole dimension as a component of the warlike aggression against the liberal democracy!

Here a few screenshots from the above article!

Who has Germany, has Europe‼️ 👇🏻

Also very interesting!

Targeted disinformation attack on Bearbock‼️

German longing for normal relationships‼️

Here is nicely described what @MPKretschmer's lip service to Ukraine's territorial integrity 🇺🇦 is really all about! 👇🏻

Moscow wants the obliteration of Ukraine‼️
The Kremlin regime has openly declared the extermination of Ukraine as a nation as the purpose of its invasion of the neighboring country!But the German "diplomacy beige" advocates stubbornly ignore this dimension of the Russian attack👇🏻

Reversal of the perpetrator-victim relationship ‼️

The goal is to apply perpetrator-victim reversal to put the Ukrainian president in bad light! 👇🏻

The obsessive preoccupation with Bandera‼️

With this the Kremlin regime ubiquitously tries to defame the whole Ukrainian population 🇺🇦 as Nazis!!!
But is completely irrelevant to this war of extermination. 👇🏻

Methods of Distracting Disinformation‼️

Under it prominent representatives of the "intellectual" elite understand themselves or what one in Germany 🇩🇪 for it holds!
Among them are Harald Welzer or Richard David Precht.

In conclusion:
Uninitiated public‼️

Prechtl's submissions on Russia's 🇷🇺 war of annihilation against Ukraine 🇺🇦, should be judged in the same way as contributions from Russia Today or Sputnik! 👇🏻

So we see, the Russian propaganda is enormously diverse and with everything at hand to fight so!!!
#SlavaUkraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦♥️♥️✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

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