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Nov 5, 2022, 15 tweets

"NPAs have bottomed out"
-SBI's favorite quote

SBI just reported a spectacular set of results🤯🤯🤯

Have the NPAs bottomed out?🧐🧐
Is SBI regaining its lost Mojo?

A thread🧵analyzing each and every aspect of the result

Lets go👇


Loan Growth:-

🏦Loans grew at about 19.93%
🏦Corporate loan growth at 18%

For many years SBI has struggled to grow!
20% loan growth from the largest bank in this country is massive!

It Bodes extremely well for the Indian economy.


Deposit growth:-

The deposit growth at just 9.99% is a disappointment.

Makes 19% deposit growth from HDFC Bank look impressive.

Nonetheless, given the strong franchise of SBI,the deposit growth will be back


Cost of funds and NIMs:-

The cost of deposits came in at 3.84%
The NIMs further expanded to 3.59%

The cost of funds is not a problem for the banks given the super-quality franchise.


Capital Adequacy:-

SBI has a capital adequacy of 13.51%
Tier-1 capital adequacy at 9.53%.

This is the lowest among all top banks

Given the strong loan growth,the bank will look to raise capital in the near future


Asset Quality:-

🏦The Gross NPAs fell to 3.52% from 3.91%
🏦The slippages at 3000cr were down significantly.
🏦The PCR remains extremely strong at 91%
🏦The credit cost ratio came in at 0.28%(best in many quarters)


Slippages and SMA book:-

Slippages came in at just 2399cr..Multi-quarter low.

SMA book did increase to 8497cr...however this too isn't as big to make a material impact on asset quality



Asset quality has eased up for the bank
Covid-19 problems are now behind both bank
Slippages are at a multi-quarter low.

Bank is ready to push loan growth into the system.


RoA and RoE expansion:-

For the first time in many years the RoA has gone above the 1% mark
RoE came in at a massive 16%

These are exceptional numbers from SBI.
As slippages continue to come down,the expansion of RoA and RoE is a given


Record Profits

Strong loan growth
Record low slippages

Means SBI posted a profit of nearly 14,000cr.
The best in its history.



SBI is available at 1.67x P/Bx

Given the larger number of subsidiaries of SBI.
The valuation becomes even cheaper.

However the valuation is not cheap when compared with its history


We are at the bottom of a credit cycle.

Credit growth is at a 50-year low.

We need strongly capitalized banks with clean balance sheets to achieve the vision of $5 trillion economy.


SBI has:-

1. Strong Balance Sheet
2. Strong Management
3. Strong capital to deploy
4. Huge physical as well as digital presence to tap growth


The result is spectacular to say the least.

Loan growth is robust.
Asset quality is strong

And the future is bright!


SBI is extremely strong and the scope of opportunity means that it can do extremely well.

Given ICICI+HDFC+SBI all have done exceptionally well

All three will lead India in the 2-3 years!


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