Daniela Gabor Profile picture
Professor of Economics/MacroFinance. Critical macrofinance, central banks, repos, shadow banking, WallStreetConsensus https://t.co/YGZItchHwL https://t.co/XPNo2sR5Gm

Nov 5, 2022, 9 tweets

oh look @nssylla , Macron, Rutte and Macky Sall peddling the WallStreetConsensus in the Guardian and #COP27

would be good to know how much of official aid from France and Netherlands is diverted from grants to derisking Global North investments into climate asset classes in the South

fascinating how the Development as Derisking paradigm is reluctant to speak its name, codified instead in 'partnerships' w 'private financiers and donors'

three heads of state arguing that solution to climate crisis in Africa is, paragraph after paragraph, Maximising Private Finance;

not maximising state investment, public green mobility, green industrialisation or Global North regulation of greenwashing


that the neocolonial politics of the #WallStreetConsensus are so much more difficult to unpick is quite easy to tell from Guardian readers

behind every Just Transition there is a Derisking Block creating profit opportunities for private capital


'We hold our heads high. It was always about derisking investments for our companies'- look @KateAronoff

@KateAronoff I wrote this last year about #WallStreetConsensus at COP26. Stay tuned for an update of the relentless march towards Derisking Capitalism.

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