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Nov 5, 2022, 14 tweets

10. Avatars of shri hari Vishnu!!

Dashavtaar means ten avatars of Bhagwaan Vishnu manifested on earth to sustain the dharma.

Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, NarasimhaVamana, Parashurama,shri Ram  Shri Krishna, Buddha and Kalki.

1. Shri Matsya Avatar

2. Shri Kurma Avatar

3. Shri Varaha Avatar

4. Shri Narsimha Avatar

5. Shri Vamana Avatar

6. Shri Parashurama Avatar

7. Shri Ram Avatar

8. Shri Krishna Avatar

9. Shri Buddha Avatar

10. Kalki Avatar

Kalki is the only avatar of Vishnu ji that is yet to be born.

Bhagwan Vishnu is the preservar of the universe. He took avatars to protect his bhakts. Whenever adharama arise he will come to destroy it.

ऊँ नमो नारायण 🙏
गोविंदा ❤️
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