Ernesto LopezAlmaraz Profile picture
#Nephrologist (Kidney Doctor) in Mexico City... #Advocate... #Runner Personal opinions only

Nov 5, 2022, 9 tweets

A MUST: “mRNA as a medicine” Melissa Moore, MD leads us through drug development, from Penicillin to MABs #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

More than 100 monoclonal antibodies have been approved by @US_FDA but they have multiple limitations #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

Proteins have been used as medicine, but only a small proportion can be used, whereas mRNA enable the body to produce “own medicine” #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

How does mRNA compares to regular medications? #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

Three different fields should be addressed to use mRNA as medicine, a work that has taken 60 years since the discovery of mRNA #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

One of the key issues is to have the right “delivery” system: not virus, no “naked” mRNA #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

Lipid nanoparticles were found to be the answer for this objective #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

All this concepts and research has lead to #MODERNA COVID-19 vaccine development #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

THE FUTURE: #MODERNA investigational pipeline is AMAZING, different targets as cancer or the so called orphan diseases #KidneyWk @ASNKidney

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