Jenifer Fernandez Ancona Profile picture
Jenifer Fernandez Ancona, co-founder and VP, Way to Win.

Nov 5, 2022, 10 tweets

A summary of the message advice that @anatosaurus, @waytowinaf & other partners gave to Democrats, backed by qualitative and quantitative research and evaluation, starting in July 2022. Our goal was mobisuasion — persuade & mobilize our diverse coalition of voters. 🧵

Make this election a clear contrast between Trump/MAGA Republicans who want to take us backwards to control our lives and rule for the wealthy few, and voters who can take us forward to #ProtectOurFreedoms and futures.

The clear contrast can be made purely on economic issues as well, like this ad exposing the real reasons behind inflation.

Activate loss aversion by tying the overturning of Roe v. Wade to other issues at stake if Republicans win – from their plans to eliminate Social Security and Medicare to attacks on the freedom to vote.

Use the powerful freedom frame to connect issues together, both to affirm our demands and to call out the opposition.

The GOP will always, without fail, use race and gender to fracture our multiracial, cross-class coalition. We can go on offense by leading with what we’re for, making the case for Democratic values and ideas, and calling them out for using division to mask their unpopular agenda.

Here's an example of how to push back on gender-based fear mongering specifically.

Tell the story of past wins and remind voters of the power of collective action to abate cynicism and increase turnout.

Our culminating ad takes all of this advice in one longer, beautiful piece that is currently going viral.…

This was our message. Many groups, influencers, & candidates are using these ads and principles. Others aren't. Keep that context in mind as we go into Election Day.

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