Pedro Rios Profile picture
twiteando sin fronteras - human rights advocate - los twitazos son míos Director @AFSCSanDiego's @AFSC_org's US-Mexico Border Program, Bd member @NNIRRnetwork

Nov 6, 2022, 8 tweets

In 2010, @CBP agents tortured & killed #AnastasioHernandezRojas in public. 12 yrs later, in the first case against the US involving an extrajudicial killing by US law enforcement, the InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights heard the case & the US govt's response was abysmal.

Maria Puga represented her family & described in detail how destructive the murder of her spouse, #AnastasioHernandezRojas, has been for them.

More about the case is here:…

Under @Potus, Dept of State petitioned to have hearing behind closed doors. The IACHR decided to proceed with an open hearing despite objections from the US.
María Puga, Anastasio’s widow, replied:
“If they murdered my beloved Anastasio in public, they should answer in public.”

Maria & her family requested:
1) a public apology
2) reopening of investigations into killing & cover-up
3) policy reforms to end systemic abuse, beginning at CBP, the largest law enforcement agency in the US.

The US wanted the case thrown out, suggesting justice was served when #AnastasioHernandezRojas' children won a civil settlement against the govt tho US failed to present any significant response in writing or at hearing regarding allegations of torture.…

#AnastasioHernandezRojas' attnys pointed out, US officials read text from websites & remained silent when asked to rebut torture allegations.
"CBP agents hogtied him, dragged him, beat him w batons, punches & kicks, stood & kneeled on his body against the ground, & tasered him"

Powerful statements by attnys @AllianceSnDiego ED @guerreroandi: "CBP is the greatest threat to human rights in the United States."
Prof. Roxanna Altholz, co-director of @BerkeleyLaw Int'l Human Rights Law Clinic" "Governments cannot kill & pay to avoid responsibility"

The US has 30 days to provide additional evidence to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which will render its decision in the case sometime next year. The orgs & larger community continue our commitment for justice for #AnastasioHernandezRojas & his family. [end]

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