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Nov 6, 2022, 12 tweets

The 22nd AMENDMENT :

The Amendment limiting the election of a President of the United States to two terms finds its roots in George Washington 🇺🇸, who opted only for two terms as the first President of the United States.

Enjoy this fun thread on the 22nd Amendment!


Although there were many in the tradition of George Washington 🇺🇸who served only two-terms, it wasn’t until Franklin Roosevelt 🇺🇸 was elected to a 3rd and 4th term that concerns over unlimited terms began to be taken seriously.

The 1946 midterm elections united conservatives from both parties, Republicans and Democrats, to propose the 22nd Amendment in 1947.

It was ratified by the states in 1951 under Harry Truman 🇺🇸.

Interestingly, Oklahoma and Massachusetts voted to reject the Amendment 🤔

Thomas Dewey, yes *that* Thomas Dewey, who got his ass handed to him by FDR 🇺🇸 and Harry Truman 🇺🇸 in their respective elections, supported a 2-term limit.

Side note: Dewey also wanted to address the age of Presidential candidates as a concern.

Backing up a bit:
Many Presidents in the 1800s were in favor of one-term limits, including Andrew Jackson 🇺🇸, who wanted to keep the office “beyond the reach of improper influences.”

Rutherford Hayes 🇺🇸 liked a 6-year term. This was also the plan for the Confederacy.

Speaking of a single six-year term limit, Texas senator W. Lee “Pappy” O’Daniel proposed such a concept right before the 22nd Amendment was brought into discussion.

O’Daniel was shot down by the Senate with a 82-1 vote

In 1912 Woodrow Wilson’s 🇺🇸 many ideas included the single 6-year term idea. His opponent William Howard Taft 🇺🇸 supported it too.

But Wilson decided he wanted a 2nd 4-year term, changed lanes, causing the proposed Amendment to die when the 62nd Congress left office

Future Presidents like Jimmy Carter 🇺🇸 opposed the single six-year term limit on the grounds that it shortens the tenure of a good President and prolongs the tenure of a bad President.

Civil War hero and 18th President Ulysses S Grant 🇺🇸 explored the idea of a 3rd term in 1876 but was met with opposition from his countrymen and Congress.

Later, Grant ran in the 1880 Election only to lose the nomination to James Garfield 🇺🇸.

Back to the 22nd Amendment…

Harry Truman 🇺🇸 hated the 22nd Amendment; saying it was stupid and on par with the stupidity of the Prohibition Amendment.

Nonetheless it passed in 1951 at the end of Truman’s Presidency

Due to the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951, 2-term President Dwight Eisenhower 🇺🇸 became the first President unable to run for a third term in office

It did NOT affect Harry Truman 🇺🇸 because of a grandfather clause, as he was President when it was proposed

A dilemma with the 22nd Amendment is while limiting a President to being elected just twice, it’s vague on former Presidents being elected to the office of Vice President - an office only a heartbeat away from the Presidency & a potential 3rd term (see the 12th Amendment).

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