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Nov 6, 2022, 7 tweets


“Oh, the… The Restraints are nothing to be feared. It’s much safer for you to be tethered as we engage. There’s nothing intrinsically physical about this process, but we’ve had some early trials that were a bit chaotic…”

“There’s an Outer Rim moon called Dizon Fray. There was a sentient species there, quite unusual. Extremely hostile to the concept of an Imperial refueling center that was being planned…”

“I say ‘was’ because they created such a stir that the local commanders were granted permission to use any means necessary. And, um, well, what’s important for our purposes here today is that the massacre of the Dizonites was broadcast and recorded as proof of mission…”

“They make a sound as they die. A sort of choral, agonized pleading. It was quite unlike anything anyone has ever heard before…

“There were 3 communications officers monitoring the documentation, and they were found hours later huddled together in various states of emotional distress, in a crawl space beneath the ship’s bridge. We’ve take the recordings and modified them slightly, layering, adjusting…”

“And we’ve found a section of what we believe are primarily children, which has its own particular effect…”

“Doesn’t take long. It won’t feel that way to you inside. But, um… let me know when you’re willing to cooperate. Oh, and if you’re having difficulty speaking, just shake your head from side to side.”

— Doctor Gorst

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